Monday, March 31, 2008

Note to Self

Roll up car windows when weather forecast calls for snow.

p.s. This should actually be a note to Tyler and not to self, but I shouldn't pick on him because he lets me have the spot in the garage so my car DOESN'T look like this in the mornings.


  1. Thats very nice of Tyler! Can you believe this bleeding snow? Where did this even come from?!

  2. OUCH!! I do not like the looks of that.

  3. I can't believe all the snow you guys have gotten this year. In the 9 years I lived there, we never had that much snow.

    How do you make those thick borders around your pictures? It makes it look like a scrapbook.

  4. HaHa Shannan did the same thing with the truck! I should have taken a picture too! I guess it's not safe to keep the windows down yet!

  5. who would have thought it was really going to snow?!?! the weather predictions have not always been correct, but note to self for next time...hope it didn't ruin anything!

  6. That Utah weather for ya!

  7. In my own defense, I didn't leave the door open--even though the picture makes it look like I did. And I was trying (smartly, I thought) to air out my vehicle after a Mr-Too-Much-Cologne-Guy went for a ride with me several DAYS ago. In answer to all concerned, the only casualty of the snow drift in my driver seat was my pride...
