Monday, April 7, 2008

Blogging Hold

I have been in a blogging funk. I am sure that I will snap out of it, but I just need to get some other things done right now. Plus, I have family in town as of tonight, and I know that means that I will really get nothing done for a week. Well, I will get plenty done, but it will all be family related, not blogging related. So, forgive me for not blogging or commenting on your lovely posts. Hopefully, by next week I will be ready to jump right back in with two feet.


  1. I think we all go through that... I just happen to go through it a little more often than most but enjoy the break and have fun with the fam

  2. Sometimes we try to pile so many things into a 24 hour period that we completely drive ourselves to craziness. I have just said that from experience. I have been trying to SIMPLIFY my life-cut out things here and cut out things there. Anyway, enjoy your break and have lots of fun!!

  3. I will miss you and be counting the days until we get to hear (read?) your sweet voice again.

  4. You make me laugh Maleen! I love that you post something to say you won't be blogging for a while! I do enjoy reading your stuff, so I will miss it, but family first.
