Wednesday, April 16, 2008

My New Toy

We have wanted to get a biking trailer for many years now, but we have never bitten the bullet and done it. But after seeing Sarah and her cute stroller (and being pregnant with number 4!) I figured it was about time. And she was kind enough to call and tell me that they were at Costco, so I dropped all hesitation and went and got one.

Yay! I love it!!
It is sooo easy to push, and sooo easy to change back and forth between a stroller and a trailer. The girls love it and I can actually fit all three in there (if I don't mind hearing 'she touched me' several times on an outing).

So thanks again Sarah for telling me about them. For those others of you who are interested, it is a little pricey--$179.95, but worth it if you plan on doing some biking with your kids. And heck, it is a great jogging stroller too (not that I will EVER use it for that purpose). I'm a pretty good walker though, although it is more of a waddle at the moment.


  1. That is too cool!! Maybe I could get one to carry all my scrapbook supplies in it. The cost of gas these days--this just might be the answer!!

  2. awesome!! I am so glad that it will work so wonderfully for your cute little family. I just thought that I had to return the favor because it was Jodi who told me when they were being sold last year when we bought ours and I will forever be grateful!!

  3. Your girls all look so cute packed in there. I'm sure you guys will love your new fun toy. ENJOY!

  4. I better see you out a lot it with until the day you deliver...jk. The girls look cute in it, but good luck trying to fit the 4th one in there. Well I hope by the time you ready to take her for rides June will be able to ride her own bike along side you.

  5. You'll be the cutest mom in the neighborhood with that cute stroller packed with cute little girls!

  6. I'm just impressed that you are still trying dutifully to get some exercise!! I think that I'd use pregnancy for all sorts of excuses, like getting out of dreaded workouts!

  7. I bet you guys will have so much fun with that!
