Friday, May 9, 2008

Happy Mother's Day

I'm leaving for the weekend to go to Time Out For Women with my mother. I didn't originally realize I was leaving Mother's Day weekend, and I feel a little bad that I won't be with my girls. On the other hand, I get to spend some quality time with my mother and I get to go to San Diego (kind of a last trip before I hunker down and wait for my baby to get here). I thought I would leave a thought for all you mothers out there before I leave (and change the picture so you didn't have to look at rodents over this happy weekend).
Mothers I know--I think you are all terrific! You work hard and none of us are perfect but I am constantly inspired by you. Just the fact that you continue on despite regular trials and imperfections makes me realize that I can do the same (trust me, I have plenty of imperfections to work on). So, take a moment this weekend and give yourself a pat on the back. And all you women who are not mothers, give yourself a pat on the back too. This should really be a day to celebrate all women because each has something special to offer.
So, eat some chocolate (not you Sarah) or some fruit. Read a good book, take a bubble bath, whatever you enjoy. And remember your blessings. Here are three things I am very thankful for. I took these around Easter time and forgot to post them.


  1. What adorable pictures! I can't believe how much June and Robyn look alike in those pictures.

    Have tons of fun at TOFW! Be sure to blog all about it when you get back. :)

  2. Love these pictures. I too cannot believe the resemblence between your girls. It really stands out in these pictures. Have a great time and enjoy! After braving voles, spiders and deserve it!

  3. Very, very cute! And I can't believe how much they look like little Maleens. :)

  4. June and Robyn could be twins. I can't believe how much they look a like. Sometimes when I see them i have to really look at them to know who's who.

  5. Have a great time in San Diego and at TOFW! Thanks for the words of inspiration -- sometimes I wonder if I'm the only one with the imperfections.
    What adorable pictures of your girls. You took them? Do you have that background? My sister-in-law is very into photography and purchased some backdrops at a good price online. They are CUTE girls!

  6. Those pictures are adorable. I can't believe how much your girls have grown. It proves that we definately don't see you guys enough. Darling pictures though! Have fun on your weekend away.

  7. Those are some crazy cute pictures! Have fun on your trip!

  8. I didn't actually TAKE the pictures, but when I get them scheduled and the kids dressed and there, I just call it good. They were actually at Target for those of you who like the background. It isn't my favorite, but the subjects are so cute, I don't mind.
