Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Heavenly Vacation

Wow, I really had an amazing weekend. The absolute best part was meeting family that I didn't really know. My mom has some cousins who live in San Diego, so since we were down there for the conference, they let us stay with them. They were so fun. They are sisters, Ginger and Carol. Carol actually lives in Nevada but she was visiting and it was so great to see them both. They have been sending little cards and gifts to our family for years and I never really knew who they were. It was very nice to put a face with a name and I couldn't ask for better hospitality. Not only did Ginger give up her nice bed to this pregnant lady, but she cooked for me all weekend. I could not ask for a better gift. I like to eat, but it always tastes better when someone else cooks. And Ginger is an awesome cook. We had steak, pork chops, delicious steamed veggies, fruit of all sorts for breakfast and I was in heaven the whole time. Here is a picture of the four of us (Left to right: me, Carol, Mom, Ginger).

Time Out for Women was a lovely event as well, and I do recommend it to anyone who has the chance to attend. The speakers were very good and I left inspired to have joy and remember how important my job as a mother truly is. I have never heard much of Kenneth Cope's music, but he has an excellent voice and I was touched by the fact that he has three girls just like me. One of my favorite things he said was, "If our Father in Heaven loves us as much as I love my three little girls, He must be crazy in love with me." I thought it was such a funny way to say that our Heavenly Father has love beyond bounds for us. My mother and I spent the day together and she even bought me one of those cool family copies of the Book of Mormon (the ones with all the extra pictures and definitions).

I really have the best mom and I think she made my Mother's Day more special than I could make it for her. Speaking of which, I got plenty of comments (you just can't hide the fact that you are a mother when you are almost 8 months pregnant).

Other highlights include Ginger springing for some tickets to a Padres Game. The stadium was fabulous and we sat in a section that brought the food to you (so you don't have to miss a moment of the game) and trust me, I enjoyed every moment. The Padres did great with a couple home runs and some great plays. Ginger was thrilled since they hadn't won in a while and the score ended 6-1. I really enjoy the ballpark experience, but I don't get to go often, so it was a real treat. Here are some pictures of us.

We got to spend a lot of time at Ginger's just talking and enjoying the company. Mom brought along a play she has written called Thanksgiving with the Dargan's and we had a great time reading the parts and laughing a lot. My mother is very talented when it comes to writing and I hadn't heard this particular play before, so I got a real kick out of it. Especially since most of the funny moments are true stories from our close and extended family.

Eventually I had to leave and get back to my girls (who I was missing greatly), but as you know Tyler was dutifully posting and I felt all the love from home (could I be a luckier woman?).
Here are some last thoughts about San Diego. They have the skinniest parking spaces. Hats off to my mom who always seemed to squeeze into one--I am sure glad I wasn't driving. And I went to a store called Bristol Farms that blew my socks off. As Ginger put it, it is the Stepford of grocery stores. This place had everything, from fresh flowers, to mountains of perfect looking produce. The meat counter itself was so extravagant and filled with variety that I took a picture.

They must have had every cut of meat you could think of and more besides. And then the kicker. At the end, past the tank of live lobster, was OCTOPUS SALAD!!

Yuck! But the fact that they sell it must mean somebody buys it. Wow.

Anyway, I hope you all had a satisfactory weekend. I know I was spoiled beyond compare. Thanks again Ginger and Carol. I can't tell you enough how happy I am to know you ladies finally! It was a great trip. There is no doubt I will visit again some time.


  1. It sounds like you had an awesome time. I'm so jealous. I was in California 2 weeks ago and it was so nice! I totally loved it, but I also understand the feeling of wanting to come home. I'm glad you had such a good time!

  2. So you brought home some of that octopus salad to share at enrichment, right?

  3. I'm so glad your trip was good! And I'm glad you are back.

  4. WOW!!! It's going to take a lot to top that trip! What a fun way to spend Mother's Day, especially when the fort was held down so nicely in your absence. I'm so glad you had a great time.

  5. WOW Maleen that is awesome.. Looks like you had a super time, and I am glad that you got to spend it with some special ladies! And kudos to the stallion for holding the fort down!

  6. looks like it was a lot of fun!! maybe someday I will be so lucky!!

  7. AW!! Don't you love vacations and being spoiled? We all need them once in awhile.

  8. Maleen I am going to stop looking at your blog if you don't stop posting gross pictures...I mean..spiders, snakes and now ground up Octopus??? :)
    Looks like you had a nice relaxing weekend and I can't believe how well the Raging Stallion did in your absence (Be truthful...was the house a shambles when you got back??)
    RS should post more often, his musings were quite funny.

  9. What fun! I'm glad you had a great time. What a wonderful way to spend Mother's Day with your mom.

  10. Octopus salad? Eww.

    Glad you had fun in SoCal. What better way to enjoy it than with good food and good friends!

    And I loved your husband's posts! What an awesome guy you've got! And your girlies are truly the cutest!

  11. Maleeeeeen!!

    I'm trying to catch up and ran across this post. Ok, how dang fun. And RS (Raging Stallion) doing all of the dreamy dad stuff that little girls live for. I have been to Time Out for Women and gave my mom a ticket once for her birthday? Anyway...I just love you and thanks for keeping me updated. HUGS AND LOVE,

  12. Maleeeeeen!!

    I'm trying to catch up and ran across this post. Ok, how dang fun. And RS (Raging Stallion) doing all of the dreamy dad stuff that little girls live for. I have been to Time Out for Women and gave my mom a ticket once for her birthday? Anyway...I just love you and thanks for keeping me updated. HUGS AND LOVE,
