Thursday, June 19, 2008


I have all these things that I need to blog about but instead I get hit by the nesting bug and my house looks like it has exploded as I rearrange and clean things out. You would think by nesting one would be gathering and interweaving, but I simply need to purge. Why do I cling to so much junk?? I can tell you that I am getting much better at throwing things away. So hopefully I will get my blogging back in order and get this nesting urge worked out quickly. And now to it is 2:30 in the afternoon. I wouldn't even bother except that I have to go to a banquet of sorts tonight and I should probably look presentable. Wish me luck!


  1. You are getting so close to having your baby! I bet you look so cute! How exciting!! How are you feeling? I hope all is well! Tell the girls hello for us and we sure miss you all!!

  2. Good luck!

    I also find that I hang on to every little thing I ever come across. Dang!

  3. Good luck!!! Yea!! It is getting closer!!!

  4. Can't remember when you are due! Hope you are feeling good and that everything comes out okay!!!:)
