Friday, June 27, 2008

To Give of Oneself

Today I just needed to write a little tribute to my husband. There are not too many people in life who answer the call when it comes regardless of what the request is. Tyler seems to be one of these people. He doesn't know how to fix everything, but he will try and solve the problem no matter what the cost or work; and most of the time a little hard work will get the job done.

Yesterday evening a sister in the ward called because some kind of water line (most likely attached to the sprinkler system) had broken. She was looking for some Elders to help her fix the problem. At 8:30 pm a few choice men went to dig up some sprinklers and help someone in need. The mosquitoes joined the party along the way and eventually Tyler got out his large utility light as the sun set behind the horizon. They were out working until almost 10:30 pm.

Here are some men who are not scared of hard work. I am so impressed. I would be the one to make a phone call and stand back idly watching someone else do the job.

My husband came back pretty filthy. He had mud caked up his arms and in his hair. I took a picture merely to remind myself that I should work harder. He already washed his hands in this picture and you have to ignore the smug face. That isn't because he is prideful, but merely because he can't take a serious picture.

I also liked this picture of his back. I think it is Skyler's hand holding him down as a counter weight.

We sang the song Put Your Shoulder to the Wheel on Monday at Family Home Evening. The girls really enjoyed the song, but they are still trying to grasp the concept of 'we all have work, let no one shirk.' At least I know that the girls will always have an amazing example in their father.


  1. Tyler is great. He was a wonderful and attentive home teacher to us and we miss you all a lot.
    I'm trying to guess which sister in the ward called....

  2. Now I know who to call to help out my Tyler next time he runs over our newly put in sprinklers.

  3. Tyler is a great guy!! He has rescued a lot of people and it does not go unnoticed!!!

  4. Way to go, Tyler! Your hard-working reputation precedes you.

    I LOVE that you had a work-themed FHE. We have done that a number of times...

  5. Self-sacrificing, hard-working husbands are truly the greatest! You are very lucky to have such a great guy.

    And I'm so glad I have one too. :)
