Monday, August 11, 2008

70 Pairs of Underwears

So the potty training is going well. Ivory was very ready (I guess her silly mother was holding her back). We have an underwear drawer in the bathroom where the girls go when they need panties. Luckily since I have all girls, I don't need to separate out any underwear; they all just go in the drawer. Ivory knows where to go and she knows what to do. She even likes to put them on by herself (I just have to show her which side is the front). Most of our underwear has come from Grandma. She knows that it is better to have more than less underwear for those kids who don't pick up on potty training quite as well as Ivory (um...that would be my first two children). But, Grandma has failed to STOP buying underwear. The drawer was getting quite jammed before the trip to Idaho, but after they came back from time at Grandma's, it was ridiculous. They came back with more princess panties and the drawer could no longer hold the plethora of underwear we own. Just for kicks, I decided to count them. So, counting the ones I could find (which I think is most of them), we have 70 pairs of underwear. Anyone in need of little-girls panties??
It has taken some stress off me. The other day, Ivory did have one accident (the only one so far). She had a bit of diarrhea that took her off guard and she smudged a set of undies. I only felt slightly guilty that I threw them away instead of scrubbing them out. This guilt comes from my insane need to not waste things, but I think we will manage with our 69 other pairs of underwear. And don't worry, next time I will clean them out like a good mother should.

Oh, and Santa, we don't need any underwear for Christmas, thank you.


  1. This made me laugh. I have 89 skirts...yes, I counted them and I have 89 of them. But, hey, it is okay. I have this thing about not wearing the same skirt to a year. Just kidding...I do, but, not too often.

  2. That's a lot of undies! My kids are all different sizes, but I still like to keep a sizable stack (15-20 pair) in each drawer so that everyone has clean undies in case of some bizarre laundry disaster, such as my own laziness.

  3. Wow! This is what I would call a plethera of panties! At least you always have back ups. You can now stash them in a few good the car or the diaper bag!

  4. That's so many undies! I don't need any, thanks, but thanks for the offer! I actually have too many underoos myself, I had a time where I bought 5 new pairs every time I went shopping. Needless to say, I'll never run out!

  5. They do make really cute girls undies. 70,wow that's a lot. That's great that Ivory is doing well with the training. Do they all wear the same size? p.s. Your family picture looks really good.

  6. I'm glad things are going so well with Ivory, can she give Zander a few pointers? I know, I know, he is only 15 months but I really don't want to change diapers anymore...

  7. Hilarious Maleen! I am sort of living vicariously through my daughter and her cute panties. I secretly get SO excited when she lets me pick out a pair for her to wear. Clementine has gone 5 days without an accident, and we are pleased as punch. I'm not please, however, about her waking me up at 0500 to go potty, just so she can climb into my bed. GRRR.

  8. YAY for you, successful potty training and all your panties! I have thrown out more underwear than I should admit. Sometimes the mess is just too much, you know?

  9. I know what you mean about girl's panties. I always had a lot when Brooklyn was younger, because they were so cute. But now that I'm training a boy, I just don't get as excited buying his underwear and I did buying her panties. :)
