Wednesday, August 6, 2008

The Cure

My girls are back!! I was so happy to see them last night. No one got into bed until after 11:00 pm, but I needed extra hugs and kisses. I think they had a blast up in Idaho. June especially was already missing Grandma and I think I have been called 'Grandma' at least eight times this morning. Robyn was dry all night and Ivory has been wearing underwear all morning. Even as I type this, she headed in to use the bathroom yet again (seriously, how does Vicki work her magic?)
But even more miraculous...Vicki cured Ivory's eczema. Poor Ivory has had bad skin problems since she was born. A lot of it went away, but the eczema continued in the crooks of her elbows and knees. Her knees are especially bad. We have tried many things; ointments, cremes, lotions, prescription and over the counter stuff. Some things have helped a bit, but nothing has taken it away. Even this last week while the girls were in Idaho, I asked the doctor for another prescription. I even bought the creme yesterday but I may never have to use it because Ivory's legs look great! Like all-the-way-healed great. You can't even tell that she had an eczema problem. Apparently Vicki was using Cortizone.10*, an over the counter anti-itch creme. Who would have known? I am thrilled. Her little legs look so wonderful. I hope it lasts. I know some things work for a while and then don't work as well, but since nothing has made this much of a difference, I will be happy as long as it lasts.

*By the way, the creme is made to work on skin irritation, inflammation and redness, rashes, insect bites, and eczema and psoriasis (that last one is for you mom--try it).


  1. A mother-in-law that potty-trains your kids?? Augh! Where can I get one? I've always said I would pay good money for someone to come in for a week or two and potty-train the kids. She should market her skills!

  2. My suggestion about the creme is to mix it with a little bit of lotion and then it will be effective longer. It has worked for us, Jane has the same problems. Anyways, glad to see that your girls are back!

  3. Well, I'm certainly glad that the kids have ONE grandmother who has a positive influence on them. Wow - she is a real marvel. However, there is one thing that she cannot do any better than me in - and that's how much she loves them. I think we're probably equal on that. How lucky you are to have such wonderful in-laws!

  4. Yea for the girls being home! And so fantastic that Ivory got her skin all cleared up!

  5. Wow! What a productive trip to Idaho! I'm glad they're back, potty trained, and clear-skinned!

  6. YEA!! I am glad that your girls are home. I miss them, too!!! Their hugs are always rewarding!!!

  7. Huh, Zander has irritation all the time on his tummy, maybe I will try that.
    I'm wondering if you will email the name and stuff of the preschool that June went to last year. Do they have kindergarten too? I'm perusing through ones in the area before I decide where to put Ashton this year. my email is

  8. So where do I find one of these mother in laws? Brinley is so stubborn that I think it is going to take someone else to get her pottie trained!!

  9. That is truly magical.

    I have had to use the cortisone on my kids too. Eczema is common in our vocabulary. It's also related to the whole allergy (seasonal and/or food allergies) thing, which my kids have too...

  10. If you need another cream to try, O'Keefe's Working Hands (or Working Feet) worked miracles for my 7-year-old's excema.
