Monday, August 25, 2008

First Day of School

Am I ready?

I think she is.


  1. She sure looks ready! She showed absolutely no signs of nervousness getting on the bus. It seems like she did great!

  2. The first day of kindergarten is always harder on me than it is on my kids. I get teary and they are just super excited to go.

    I hope she had a great day!

  3. Oooh, so grown up! What a big girl. I hope she has a great year.

  4. Is she really that old? Oh- I think she looks ready to me. How sweet!

  5. She looks so cute and confident! But I didn't even get a chance to comment on your hilarious typing post. I would have never pegged you for a fake typer, you know. You have perhaps inspired me to blog about my own creepy teacher incident sometime. Though Mr. Bilo or something or other sounds pretty icky.

  6. SO CUTE! First days of school are always so much fun. I'm so excited for her. :)

  7. She looks so cute and so grown up. I think Kindergarten would be harder than preschool. They are gone a lot longer.

  8. WQW!! I can not believe that school has already started. I will miss seeing June at work with the others. Hopefully, you will drop in sometimes when she is with you. I love her hugs and her giggles!!
