Saturday, August 30, 2008

Look Who's Starting to Smile

Daisy is starting to brighten when she sees familiar faces. This is always a special time for me because it makes me feel all the work until now has not been in vain. If she is smiling at me, that means I have done something right.

I have to admit that the newborn stage is a little odd for me. Every child comes with personality but it is harder to find at this age since it usually consists of how calm/cranky they are, or whether they tend to pee when you take their diaper off. Daisy is prone to have trouble burping and she spits up a lot, but that doesn't tell me anything about her sense of humor or if she will have an aptitude for art. Yet, I love Daisy with all my heart; as much as my other girls who are bursting with pizazz. And I know that all that personality is bottled up inside her, waiting to be revealed.

I can't wait. Those smiles are just the beginning.


  1. Aw, that is a cute smile! She's sweet.

  2. oh, she is so sweet and adorable!!

  3. I thought babies didn't smile until they were like a year old. I really don't know anything about those little things, do I?

  4. I just love those baby smiles. She is so very adorable.

  5. Wow, she is so cute and is now really starting to resemble your other girls
