Sunday, September 21, 2008

A Moment of Peace and Quiet?

Some of you may recall my three dollar hair dryer purchased from DI. Well, I am sorry to say that it finally shuffled off this mortal coil. In a wild display of sparks and fire, the heating element gave out. So the dryer still worked technically, but I found out quickly that without heat, it took about an hour to get my hair dry (my patience does not extend to that much time in front of a mirror). And so I went to the store and picked out this beauty.

I can finally admit that I have a thing for red. My walls are red, my camera is red, half of my kitchen is red, and now my hairdryer is red. I like red. It is still not my favorite color but I must admit it is in my top ten (that's an inside joke for my dad).
It is a tiny and compact little number measuring about 5 1/2 inches. But what it lacks in size it makes up for in NOISE! No joke. I have never heard a noisier hair dryer. When it is on, the world is gone. There could be sirens outside the house; wouldn't hear 'em. My kids could be fighting in the next room; I'm oblivious. People can even come in and shout at me and I am still reduced to reading lips (I'm not very good at reading a two year old's lips yet). So, I try to only dry my hair when Tyler is around to field questions and help the girls out. And for a few moments, there is just me and the hair dryer; a few moments of peace, but hardly quiet.


  1. It is very sleek! I'm sorry it's so noisy. Maybe it was designed by a mom with really long hair who wanted to escape from reality (since the world disappears when it's on).

  2. In somewhat related hair news, Sarah wants a new straightener for her birthday. She doesn't like hers. I'm not sure what to get.

    I still have the hair dryer I got in high school! Shows how much use it's gotten, I guess, that it's still working.

  3. I love getting new hair dryers! I need one right now, it keeps making this noise at me, but I'm determined to hang on until it stops completely!

  4. Funny - when I was a kid, red was a color we associated with Communists. Are you sure you aren't a 'pinko'?

  5. With all the girls I have, I would have to be a pinko by now.

  6. Sad day, I found a hairdryer on discount at Harmons for .99 one time. It lasted me 4 years and was the best hairdryer I ever owned... I almost cried the day it died! But I am glad you found a new one it is very cute!
