Monday, September 1, 2008

Hedgie Hog

'Hedgie' should really be written 'Rede' since it is a Portuguese word, meaning net. Tyler got a net of his own while he was in Brazil. It is basically a hammock. Up until now it has been one more thing cluttering the house or garage. We don't really have trees that can withstand the weight of a hammock, so we have never been able to put it up. I even thought we should give it to DI at one point. Boy am I glad that Tyler nixed that one. He came up with the idea recently to move aside the regular swings on the swing set and install the Hedgie instead.

Everyone loves it, especially Daddy and Daisy. Tyler is a sucker when it comes to cuddling. June was not much of a cuddly baby, so when we had Robyn and she cuddled right into him, I remember him looking at me and saying, "This one's mine."
In the mornings he takes Ivory out of her crib and snuggles her into our bed, and when we watch movies, he gets one of the girls to snuggle with him on the couch (luckily June snuggles now too). So the Hedgie is right up his alley. The girls get in and out except for Daisy of course who enjoys the swinging motion and the heat of Dad's body. Those two could probably spend an entire afternoon in the Hedgie (interspersed with snack breaks).

Here are a few pictures of us in the Hedgie.

June took this picture for us.

The girls really like to go in by themselves, because they can completely cover themselves like a burrito and then I swing them. It makes for lots of giggling. But I only remember the camera when Dad is in there (he tends to be a Hedgie Hog). The only sad part of this story is that we only have about a month left of good weather before the Hedgie will have to be retired for the winter, but it will give us something to look forward to next spring.


  1. That thing looks so comfy and fun! Do the girls not miss being able to swing when the hedgie is up?

  2. Fun! We had a hammock when I was growing up. Fun times...

  3. Oh, that brings back some fun memories. My grandpa had a hammock and we would all pile in. You guys look like you're having so much fun.

  4. I love hammocks. I don't think I've been in one for over a decade, but if I had a place to put one, I totally would.

    You guys are too cute for words. :)

  5. We just got back from a trip to Mexico and my son brought back a hammock that we hung in our backyard - we all love it.

    Your family looks so cut all piled into it.

  6. We took some "Hedgie" look-alikes to YW camp one year and slept in the trees. They are fun and comfy!!!
