Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Since I was in Idaho this last weekend, I had the chance to bear my testimony for my whole family (Idaho side). I also wanted my girls to know how strongly I love the Savior. I think they may have listened a bit in between playing with cousins and eating fruit snacks. So in order to emphasize what a testimony is, we talked about it for Family Home Evening. The girls were so sweet as they practiced bearing their own testimonies about Jesus. They aren't tarnished by the cliché phrases yet. So when Robyn said, "I know that Jesus gave people food (we talked about the loaves and fishes) and he made people not dead anymore," it was so innocent and truthful. I love hearing what they think at this young age.
We talked a bit about Moroni and how strong his testimony was. In the scriptures he says,"...because of their (the Lamanites) hatred they put to death every Nephite that will not deny the Christ. And I, Moroni, will not deny the Christ."
As always I try to make this into an example they can understand. I asked the girls what they would do in this same kind of situation.
"What would you do if someone said they were going to hit you unless you said that you didn't believe in Jesus? What would you say?"
Robyn didn't miss a beat. She said, "Please don't do that."
She is so cute. Of course that is what you would say.
It was a very special evening and I was able to see their budding testimonies. Moments like this make you proud to be a parent.

1 comment:

  1. So sweet! I love hearing their true feelings. Robyn's right. Of course you would ask nicely for them not to do that. What a tender experience for all!
