Wednesday, October 8, 2008

And the Winner Is...

I think it is really funny how children will get an idea in their heads and it doesn't go away; they want to make their ideas happen. My children will often tell me things or ask to do things, and I—as the boring adult—will shrug it off as imaginative and not realistic. Here is a perfect example:

For some odd reason, we got talking about common vs. rare in the car. We were talking about whose names were common and whose were rare. Most of my children are not going to run into someone every day who has their name. I have actually heard of one other Ivory, and several Daisy's. Most people named June are older, but Robyn's name is not that uncommon. I popped into a store to return something and by the time I got back, June had given an award (something she made up in her head of course) to the two people with the most common names. Tyler won the adult award since his name is more popular than mine (by a long shot) and Robyn won the most common award for the kids. That's nice, I thought.
But June did not let it go there. She insisted that we make actual awards for them. So I put boring mom on the shelf for an afternoon and we got out markers and funny-cutting scissors and what-not and we came up with these:

It is a slightly odd award to win, but it makes sense to my 6 and 4 year old. Tyler said he would proudly display his at work.

Oh, and this is to show that I actually had two non-boring mom days in a row. Robyn asked to have her face painted and I really do have a soft spot for that, so here you go; just a Wednesday afternoon with face paint.

Please tell me I am better than volunteer face-painter lady.


  1. That unicorn is amazing! I wish I had a common name... :(

  2. Those awards are too cute. And I am very impressed with your face-painting skills! You should do it for a part-time job.....somehow....

  3. Much better than those lame designs by the other face paint lady. Maybe you could come paint my kids too!

  4. I've never had my face or mackenzies painted so I think you did a good job. What a great Mom to let go of your grown-up self and have some good clean kid fun.

  5. What fun for your girls to have such a awesome mom!

  6. You may be asked to volunteer at the next carnival. Love the awards, by the way! You have never been a boring mom.

  7. Oh how fun!!! June is absolutely amazing!!! Also, I love your painting!! Maybe you should volunteer for the next carnival.

  8. Ohh- neat- tims a common name- can I have an award?
