Sunday, October 5, 2008

Awkward Stage

So I have reached that awkward stage in post-pregnancy. My baby is between two and three months old. I have lost most of my baby weight, but my waist is clearly not what is was before, evidenced by the fact that none of my pants fit. When I go to the closet, I can wear my stretchy jeans, and any pants with elastic, but none of my fitted pants feel comfortable yet. I remember this stage distinctly from last pregnancy, because I ran out and bought new jeans. Then several months later, they didn't fit because they were bought during the awkward phase. But I'll be darned if I don't want to go out and buy a pair again just to wear for a few months. I hate feeling plump every time I go into my closet.
The other lovely awkward part is my hair falling out. This is also normal at this stage. I take a shower and literally, handfuls of hair come out. Then I brush my hair and more comes out. I am always amazed that I am not bald within a few months, but since I managed to salvage some hair after each child, I'm assuming that it won't all fall out this time. It does make me want to get a haircut though, because then the hair coming out isn't as long. However, I want to keep my hair long right now, so I will just have to muddle through this awkward phase.
And to make things worse, I just watched conference where there were many messages of trials being part of life and learning to laugh at adversity. Well, truly these trials are not great, so...ha, ha...I'm losing hair and I can't fit into my pants. C'est la vie.
I'm supposed to be enjoying this journey, right?? So I will relish the fact that I get to wear sweats more often than most people, and maybe I can build a bird's nest out of all this extra hair (they need a home in the winter too).
And for all you people sick of hearing me complain, I would do it all over again of course, because look at the beautiful result.

She is just starting to get her noggin off the ground. It has taken her a while...must be that huge brain :)


  1. i think you should simply consider yourself blessed that you've lost the weight. i haven't lost any yet... but not for lack of trying.

  2. Oh, I remember the days.... It is hard to believe all of the after baby stuff gets forgotten. It takes a reminder to remember what it was like. But you are soooo right to know that "it is worth it"!

  3. I'm in that awkward stage as well - the months-long task of cross-stitching another baby announcement! Once again I am convinced that I have taken on a project that cannot be completed in my lifetime. However, hopefully it WILL be completed before that noggin is staggering around on a pair of unsteady legs!

  4. She really is beautiful, Maleen. And my baby is 11 years old and I still haven't lost that pregnancy weight!

  5. I remember the hair falling out thing with Callie. Yuck. Remember in Conference that Elder Wirthlin said that you don't need to enjoy the trials in the moment just gain ways to get through them successfully. That made me feel better. I will be rereading that one when it come out!

  6. She is beautiful and well worth it I'm sure. I posted a story about Ryan and June on mine tonight - read it and if you want to edit anything, let me know:)

  7. I guess I can't really blame my awkward stage on pregnancy, right? Shoot, now I need to think of another excuse.
