Thursday, October 16, 2008

I Can't Help Myself

Dear Readers,

I am not crazy about give-aways. There are many out there and I think one could get entirely too wrapped up in them. Even as I say this, I still can't help entering one every so often. I have had my eye on some knitted beanies online. I think they would be darling on my girls this winter. However I just admitted my problem with money, so they are not exactly in my price range (especially since I would want four of them). So, when I saw a give-away for them, I could not help myself. If you would like, you can go check out where they are having a giveaway to win two adorable Noggins made by Jessica. I think it is combined with a give-away for some beautiful jewelry, but truthfully, I am looking for the beanies myself.
So please forgive this shameless attempt to win my girlies some winter attire.


  1. Those beanies do look cute. I would enter for something like that two if I thought Mackenzie would leave them on.

  2. That beanie is absolutely adorable. They would darling on your girls.

  3. cute hats!

    course, you could always go this route:

    and learn to make them yourself! think about how cool you'd feel!

  4. That is a cute beanie! Good luck winning them!

  5. Cute hats!

    and.... I AM SO DOWN TO GO AGAIN with you and of course we would bring Deanne! That sounds like a blast... let me know if you really want to go and when I am in! (3 times is not too many for one year right?!?) Ooh, then I say we go get hotchoco or something after! It would be fun to catch up!

  6. your girls would look absolutely darling in those! Fingers are crossed for you.

  7. YOU WON!!!!! I am seeing Jessica this week - I will tell her I know you!!!
