Saturday, November 22, 2008

Confessions of a Moody Mom

I confess that I don't think much of herbal remedies. My Dad would be appalled to learn this. He has a whole slew of vitamins and what-not that he is always trying to feed me (I take some of them...sporadically).
So now I am on this herbal thing to make my milk come in and man—it is doing something to me. I imagine it must work on my hormones, to help my body produce more milk. I'm not sure of the exact process, but the end result seems to be that I feel extremely moody, interspersed with bouts of light-headedness and occasional headaches. Now the last two may have nothing to do with the herbal medicine. I told Tyler that I am killing myself slowly and he looked a little confused. I explained that you are supposed to eat more when you are nursing because you are feeding two and your body will give the nourishment to the baby regardless of the mother. Well, (more confessions) I am not the best at eating. I tend to feed my children and forget about myself. I grab a snack here and there, but I am not adding a significant chunk to my caloric intake. And then I go and start taking a supplement that is making my body produce MORE milk. Thus, I should probably be eating even more...I'm not.
So the dizziness and occasional headaches are not entirely surprising, but the moodiness is a bit unexpected and annoying. I told Tyler today that I was feeling out of sorts and he said that I have been a bit short recently (I don't think he was referring to my height). I feel bad when I can see my husband gauging my reaction before he says something. And I hate being cross with my children. I feel every situation can be handled with some grumpy stern words or some creative problem solving and a bit of humor. Yeah, I have been using more of the former.
So perhaps herbal stuff works better than I expected (sorry Dad). I need to reach inside and find some extra patience and perhaps reach outside for an extra bite to eat. I promise to eat a LOT next Thursday at least.
In the meantime, I will put my headache to bed; alone sadly. Tyler went back to work. I can't imagine why, I am so much fun to be around right now...


  1. I wish to point out that I am now home, before Maleen went to bed alone. Ya, she can be a witch sometimes, but she's my witch and I love her, warts and all.

  2. At least you have a good reason to be moody! You're trying to be a better mom and this is just a pitfall along the way. I've been moody this past week, but I have noone to blame it on except myself...

  3. That's kinda sad! I kinda want to give you a hug. *Hug*

  4. We are having a FHE lesson tonight on hormones and how they work - so that our 'moody' grandson can get an idea of how these things work. I've heard it said that we can't control how we feel, but we can control how we react to it - but sometimes it isn't as easy as that platitude makes it sound. When I lose it, sometimes there is a part of me that is standing back watching what I am doing and saying - and that part is absolutly apalled by what I'm doing. Doesn't stop me, though. Perhaps prayer and Heavenly Father's help can get us through those times.

  5. ...maybe there's an herbal remedy to help with moodiness (actually, there is. I take it). And if it makes you feel better, I haven't noticed any moodiness. Sorry about the headaches and light-headedness, too. Is the herbal remedy doing its job?

  6. Welcome to my life of hormone treatments. I don't think that Mike fully understands the impacts that hormones play on your mood and quite often I feel out of control.
