Sunday, November 16, 2008

It Tastes Better in Pink

The color pink—I really don't see what is so great about it. I actually hated it growing up, and you couldn't pay me to wear that color. When I started having little girls of my own, I became a bit more enamored with pink, but I do get a bit sick of everything being pink. When I had June, all her 0-3 month clothes were pink; and then almost everything 3-6 months was blue to balance out my senses. Just today I had Daisy dressed in these cute little blue pajamas with ducks on them (clearly made for a boy) and someone looked at Daisy and asked me how old he was. Don't worry, even when I dress my kids in pink, someone still gets the gender wrong.
My girls have heartily adopted the "girl" colors. They like pink, purple, red, and sometimes orange and yellow. Ivory especially likes the girly colors and it is sometimes a problem. At mealtime, we have a few pink bowls, and Ivory insists that she needs a pink bowl. Now, I just get the bowls down and fill them up with food; I don't really pay attention to the color. But the girls are very aware of what is in front of them. If someone makes a special request, I will usually get them a certain color, but other than that, 'you get what you get and you don't throw a fit'. We have had to use this phrase often. The older girls are proud that they no longer really care what color they get, but Ivory still tends to cry if her sister has a pink bowl and she got some other (lesser) color. I have tried very hard to explain to Ives that the food is the same, it doesn't taste better in a pink bowl. "Would you rather eat, or have the pink bowl?" is a phrase I sometimes use, because I don't mind putting an empty pink bowl in front of someone and see how long it takes them to figure out that they chose wrong.
Like I said, Ivory is the one we have been working on the most. Oddly enough, her cup color doesn't seem to matter as strongly, it is only the bowl. So the other night, we had handed out bowls and Ivory looked down at hers. She then looked up at me beaming and said proudly, "I got the pink one and I didn't throw a fit!"

. . .

Um, I guess we will keep working on her. At least she is starting to get the idea.


  1. That is too cute! Good luck with the pink bowl dilemma. I remember my brother, sister, and I would all want a certain bowl -- and it wasn't even a nice bowl - it was orange on the outside and yellow on the inside. Then I became fond of a "Taco Time" plastic cup with a handle to drink out of. My parents still have that cup and I use it once in a while when I'm there to visit. The silly things that we are so particular about! :)

  2. Ivory cracks me up. She is so cute.

  3. I read your blog to Dad and he just laughed and laughed and laughed - that laugh you love so well. Aren't kids funny? Tim is always asking "Why are you smiling?" when I find something he has said amusing, but I rarely explain why. It would ruin the moment, even if it is frustrating for him. Actually, pink isn't one of my favorite colors either, but I had a chartreuse dress with large pink polka-dots on it that I absolutely adored. Grandma hated it!

  4. That is so funny! Ivory is such a cutie! When we were little we always wanted a certain color cup and a certain color cereal bowl. My mom would assign colors and cups to people to stop the drama...much easier when you have 2 boys and 2 girls...more "good" colors to go around for each! Looking back now it was so funny, but at the time we were so particular about things like that.
