Thursday, November 6, 2008

Looking for a Change?

Well, a while back I mentioned that I went to the dentist and I didn't have any cavities (Yay!). But I wasn't able to finish the appointment at the time because I couldn't leave little Daisy for too long. Well it has taken me forever to get back there to get my cleaning done. And I know why... hurts. Man, I hate how sore my mouth is after they clean and floss my teeth. The lady who worked on me was brutal. I tried to sit there patiently, but I admit that every once in a while my eyes would squintch up in pain and she would say innocently, "Are you okay?"
NO!!! You are hurting me!
But really what can you say with your mouth open besides " Ahhhyaaeeaahhh". Once again I have clean teeth. I really should be better about flossing but my gums tend to be overly sensitive when I am pregnant and my teeth are so close together that I have been known to break floss trying to get it between my teeth. Blat.
The real reason I am posting is that I have found something that I like. Mint toothpaste is okay, but I am not loving it (I like mint with chocolate, but that is about it). Bubblegum toothpaste is a crime against humanity as far as I am concerned, but what else is there? Well, you may know about it, but I just found it...Clean Cinnamon. There is a little review here that is very descriptive. This is not the same as their Cinnamon Rush toothpaste (which I haven't tried). I really like it though. It makes my mouth feel fresh but it isn't that overbearing minty stuff. Anyway, if you are looking for a change, I thought I would mention it.


  1. Hmm, kissably clean. I'm okay with that. Let's try it out. Smoooooch. Ok, again. More. More. Again...

  2. there was this delish Orange Mint toothpaste that I used to use and loved.

    have you tried Crest Glide floss? It's the only kind I'll use... and I've had MAJOR dental work (about $12K worth done about 2 years ago).

  3. My hygienist lady is so nice-she makes sure I'm doing ok every couple of minutes. But I still hate getting them cleaned.

    Keep it clean, Stallion. People are reading this.

  4. Your husband cracks me up! But I'm with you on the cinnamon stuff! (Reality - my husband probably agrees with yours.)

  5. I love the people at my dentist office.They give me treats for being good.

  6. I am very picky about my toothpaste, but it sounds tempting, I might just have to try it!

    FYI my cousin who is going to dental school says that ACT mouthwash is great to use at night because it has flouride in it :)

    And guess what? I took Tay to another dentist and he said she didn't have cavities! So I called the other dentist to yell at him and he said that he definatly did not see 7 cavities. (There are three dentists at the previous dentist office.) I am outraged at that office, I will never go there again!

  7. My hygienist is brutal as well. We must either have the same one or they went to the same school. Ow!

  8. I'm so lucky to have a great dentist and Idaho Falls - especially since we don't have to pay a thing! I'm so horrible at flossing, and she always seems to think I floss regularly. Boy, do I have her fooled!?!?
