Saturday, November 1, 2008

One Thing Leads to Another

It is easy to look back after an event and see the steps that led up to the final outcome. You can see that if even one step was taken out, perhaps it would not have turned out the same way. This has led many to believe in fate. I myself do not really believe in fate, but I do hope to learn from the past...

You see, last year I came up with the Phantom DDS for my children, so I could feel good about taking away all that teeth-rotting candy and giving them something in return. It worked well, so the Phantom decided to pay our house a visit again this year. He had rave reviews once again.

We left a very full bowl of candy, and he filled it in return with presents for the girls such as lights, pencils, and nail polish. The girls loved everything. They went to work right away putting everything to use. We painted everyone's nails in Bloodshed red, Poison purple, and Pumpkin orange. I thought the orange was particularly fun so I decided to paint my own toenails. Then, I thought I might give June a go at it, as she has never painted nails before. She did a passable job for her first try, but she enjoyed it so much that she requested to do my fingernails as well. I thought the orange might be a bit loud for my fingers, so I got out the other nail polishes and chose a subtle pink. June did a good job again and then she asked if she could play with the nail polish. This simply means that she wanted to organize the bottles and pretend play with them (she has a great imagination). Over the years we have gathered quite a collection so there are many shapes and sizes of bottles. I saw no problem with that.
We ended up heading out as a family in the afternoon so they didn't get put away like I planned. Then I went to do some shopping with June and left Tyler with the other girls. Ivory decided she needed a turn playing with the nail polish too, but unfortunately her version involves opening them and painting everything in sight...

So the moral of this story is:

Don't leave anything hazardous within reach of a two-year old—and does anyone know what might take nail polish off of carpet, clothing, and furniture? Not just the regular polish either, but the fun stupid glittery stuff.

And NO, nail polish remover does not work.

Personally, I blame the Phantom for all this!


  1. Wow, the only thing I know that will help your carpet is to buy a rug and put it over the spots she got on the floor. I hope you took some pictures, you might be mad now, but in a few years you'll look back and think it's funny.

  2. Cut the nail polish off the furniture- or walls- and or spray paint it a different color.

  3. I will also blame the phantom. I think if I was little, I would have not liked the Phantom DDS. I'da kept all that candy for myself!

  4. I have no idea what you do with nail polish all over carpet, furniture or walls. When something similar happened at my house when I was little, we had to just throw away those clothes.

    Also, Bryan wants to know what the Phantom does with all the candy? He said if the Phantom would like to give it to him, he'd gladly take it. :)

  5. Did you try straight acetone? That's the main ingredient in nail polish remover. I got nail polish off my clothes that way. I'm not sure it will take it off the walls.

  6. Well, when I was little I was left alone in a room that was used as a study, and I found a roll of postage stamps, which I promptly licked and stuck all over the study. I had a great time, but I don't think either my parents or the people we were visiting thought it was that wonderful. You might try calling one of those professional maid service places and asking them if they have any advice for you. And do get the pictures to post on a future blog!
