Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Serenity Now!!

I was planning on blogging about our cute little FHE that we always have the week of Thanksgiving. We make a turkey and there is a feather for each member of the family describing what they are thankful for. Well, I guess I am blogging about the turkey, so here is a picture while I am at it.

This year the girls chose their own feather colors; hence the pinkish tint of the turkey. I think he looks pretty good though.

Then I came across something else that needed to be blogged today. It is not everyday you can take a picture of a pet peeve. Here is one of mine.

The girls sometimes decide to 'cook', or mix, or... drive me crazy. They will take every bucket and box of toys they have and combine them in one huge mess. AAAHHHH!!! This is worse than a normal mess because it means sorting things out again (because I'm anal like that). It was probably my fault since I was making a pie and they decided to 'make' a pie of their own. Somehow I thought that the last time they did this, I was exceedingly clear that they should never do it again, so I was actually surprised to see it happen again (what? My children don't listen to me?) Just walking by that basket made me want to yell "Serenity Now!" I demanded that they stop immediately and start cleaning up, at which point the doorbell rang with kids that I was going to babysit. "Serenity Now!" Usually the mess only increases when kids come over but Seth and Lyncoln were actually quite good at separating toys back into buckets. Then of course Ivory felt that these new kids needed to see the baby right in the middle of Daisy's nap. I reached the door too late to stop the impromptu show-n-tell and suddenly my baby was awake an hour early. "Serenity Now!" Most days I do feel like I am working backwards. The house starts in an awkward state and slowly proceeds toward utter chaos. Is it the fourth kid that tipped the balance? Or maybe I am just slowing down.


  1. I'm so glad I'm not the only one that:
    1. Has kids who mix the toys. My kids call it making soup.
    2. Hates that!
    3. Yells "Serenity Now!" when I'm about to lose it.

  2. I am realizing lately that we definitely need a recycle-the-old-toys and also the just-random-toys OUT! It seems that 80% of the fun for the boys sometimes is to just make a mess with all the toys and books with absolutely NO intention of doing anything useful with the toys, books, etc. It drives me CRAZY!!!! They have learned though that it does drive me crazy and most of the time refrain, but there are those times I'm cooking dinner, on the computer, etc. that it starts to get out of hand until I stop them and make them clean it up. Oh, the joys!

  3. Oh, Maleen, I have been there and done that... Still doing it infact. I can't tell you how many times a month I re-alphebetize my DVDs. What makes us so anal anyway?

  4. You might have a big enough picture of the turkey so we could actually READ what everybody is thankful for. The only one I could make out was Daisy being thankful for her thumb - and I strongly suspect you had to editorialize for her. I'd have a little more sympathy for you if my entire house didn't look a lot like the contents of your basket!

  5. I think if you click on the picture, it will show up bigger.

  6. Maybe just walk outside every little bit and yell "Serenity Now!". See if the neighbors start asking what's wrong...
