Saturday, December 20, 2008

Aspiring Beautician

Hair done today, compliments of June. The best part was that I didn't hear any complaining from the girls. I may have to put her in charge of doing hair permanently. Except maybe for Sundays...

Tyler struggled for the phrase, 'Trailer Park.' Come on dad, this is June's first hairstyling experience—go easy on her.


  1. Although I'm sure it isn't always the case, how wonderful it is that your girls can play together so well. Just make sure that June doesn't have access to any scissors while she's doing her hair styling!

  2. I can only do hairstyles when I have lots of Gel- and Long hair.

  3. Those are some sweet ponies! :)

  4. I believe the parts are especially well done. You know the zigzag part is in right now.

  5. Such cute hairdos! I'm sure she was so proud of herself. I noticed she did get the zigzag part down pretty good. Just think of all the help she'll be by time Daisy has long hair. Maybe she'll have her skills down by then! =D You can hope, right?

  6. That's just lovely! Hopefully, she'll get better with age.
