Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Finally, a reason to wear those snow pants.

I think I may have mentioned this before and I know it is not the majority opinion in Utah, but I don't really love snow. I grew up in Washington where we don't get a lot of snow. When I did play in it, I always remember coming inside feeling soaked, chilled, and uncomfortable. It wasn't until years later that I realized it was because we didn't have snow clothes. I didn't know what snow pants were until I saw some at a friend's house. Don't judge my mother though, I wouldn't buy snow pants for a child who might only have a chance to wear them three times.
And so I have had a hard time getting used to the snow in Utah. This is actually the first year I have bought snow pants for the girls. I think my mother-in-law up in Idaho thinks that I do not dress my children appropriately, and she is probably right. To me snow is pretty to look at (until someone walks or drives on it) but who would go out and play in it? Granted, the few times I have dressed warmly, it has been really fun, so maybe that is the key; hence the snow pants for the girls. I want them to enjoy winter, especially if we live here for a while.
So today we had our first real snowfall of the year (this is crazy late for us) and I felt like a good mom as I tugged on my girls snow pants and boots. They really seemed to enjoy themselves, especially Ivory. She liked throwing, eating and falling in the snow.

Robyn was intent on cleaning everything off. Here she is scraping the snow off the little house in back, or maybe she is just sneezing.

Look at those cold rosy cheeks.

Even though I don't like snow, I know how to finish a day playing out in the cold.


  1. What fun. I was going to take Andy outside today too...but "the baby" wanted me to stay in and make peanut butter cookies. So we did that instead : )

  2. I love how much little kids love the snow. That is great that your cute girls had so much fun! I've lived here basically my whole life and have such great memories of going out and playing in the snow as a little kid, making forts, snowballs, playing the goose and wolf, snow angles, we did it all. (I don't care much for playing in the snow now, but had a great time as a kid.)

  3. I am totally with you. Although I have snow pants for my girls, it is hard to spend that kind of money on them because they really won't use them much. But, they will get a lot of use for the next week for sure!

  4. Well, at least you only have to buy one new pair of snow pants a year - you can just hand down the others! If you think you weren't that used to snow growing up in Washington, imagine I how I feel about it growing up in Southern California. I don't think I even saw snow until I was 5 and we lived in New Jersey for a year. I have some very painful memories of trying to learn to ice skate.

  5. Wierd- when I play in the snow with a cap a heavy coat, a pair of fluffy gloves, heavy duty skiing pants, and a warm heart- even hot cocoa dosent warm me up. As for washington- weve been getting almost too much snow down here- 4-5 inches high. And theres supposed to be more coming. My teachers praise me. I told them I control in the fall and winter when it snowed- aND THEY ASKED ME TO MAKE SNOW sunday- it did- then wednesday- it did- is it luck- or do I have powers- Im glad youre having fun in the snow- see you in a couple months.

  6. That looks like so much fun!!! My boys love to play in the snow! Infact I don't think I have seen them in the past week... Thank you snow!

  7. Seth loved playing in the snow. As for me I loved it growing up but now that I have clean up after the mess don't like so much. I also being pregnant doesn't make me want to go get dress up to play in the snow knowing I don't think I could get the snow pants off once they were on me.

  8. Super cute pics. I love your girls! And reading this post totally made me miss putting on my snow pants and playing in the backyard with my siblings. Good times! I need to come visit! Soon, I promise. And then I can tell you the whole DTR story! =D

  9. I am officially tired of shoveling snow. Not that it matters, because I will have more to shovel tomorrow. And the next day. And the next next day.

    Will is making a snow fort. I am dreaming of Miami.
