Monday, December 8, 2008

I Blame Kellie (not really)

Kellie has this Chex mix recipe that is to die for. Whenever she brings it to parties I pretty much ignore the other desserts and dig in on her dish. She dropped by a little holiday Chex-mix goodness the other evening and she included the recipe.

Life will never be the same around here.

I made half a batch because it makes an enormous amount and we still have a lot leftover despite my eating a pound of it already. Every time I walk by I can't help but snitch some.

Chex Mix, you are my nemesis. I love you so, but things can't go on like this. We need to stop seeing each other. I'll make you a deal. I'll sacrifice and eat the rest of you this time, but in the future I will only make you for parties and other get togethers. Are we clear?

In case anyone needs this evil deliciousness in their life, here is the recipe:


2 cups butter
1 ½ cups sugar
1 ½ cups Karo syrup

Melt above ingredients in saucepan, boil 3 min, pour over:

¾ box rice Chex cereal
1 box Golden Grahams
½ bag coconut
Nuts (optional. I like Almonds)

Stir well, then when slightly cooled add a bag of M&Ms.


p.s. I had to go downstairs to get the recipe and (you guessed it) I stopped to help myself to come Chex mix.


  1. Oh my friend Anna made the same kind of thing for me last year and I had to get the recipe from her I ate so much of it. I am SOOO going to try it with the M&M's. Yum!!!

  2. yummy- but I bet its not gluten free!

  3. Do they make gluten-free chex and gluten-free golden grahams? Somehow I doubt it. I guess I won't be making this anytime in the near future - but it certainly sounds yummy!

  4. Sounds so good! I bet you could substitute gluten free cereal (maybe Life?) and it would still be yummy.

  5. I want some of that right now-it sounds (and looks!) so delicious!

  6. So, can I blame you when I get hooked on this stuff?? And for that matter, does getting your friends addicted to this evil stuff make you evil? I mean really, you posted that recipe without even thinking of the consequences. I think I gained weight just looking at the picture. Yikes!

    (I know it's been quite a while since we've seen each other, so just in case, I'm totally kidding here. :) )

  7. You can totally blame me. I guess I didn't want to suffer this addiction alone. Or maybe I am just trying that old adage: If you fatten up your friends, you will look skinny by comparison :) Course that won't really work for me since I will eat most of the Chex Mix.

    And don't worry Andrea, I know you are kidding. You always had a great sense of humor.

  8. This is now officially my neighbor gift for the year. Thanks! (or maybe not, I know I am going to have trouble keeping my hands off of it)

  9. I am so glad you posted this today. I'm hosting book club tonight and trying to think of a few things I can serve in addition to our Christmas cookie exchange. This looks like it might be a good candidate . . . Mmmm

  10. that does sound delicious!!!! hey i need your address. can ya either email it to me or leave it as a comment and i will delete it? thanks!

  11. Oh, this chex mix was delicious!!! Thanks for sharing!!
