Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Santa Claus and the Gadianton Robbers

We had our ward Christmas party this evening. It was the usual fare, but with some new twists.

*The giving tree* I thought this was an excellent way to have the members help out others. I was proud to tell my girls that we were donating anonymously.

*Santa was back* I know this doesn't really go with the Jesus theme (and they haven't had Santa for several years), but now that the kids got to sit on Santa's lap, I can skip the Mall.

*June flirting with boys* Um...lame.

*The Gadianton Robbers* Tyler got to organize a band and play several songs. He even got his drum set on stage (can I say my husband is hot when he plays the drums? Sure I can, it's my blog). I personally think they should have cleared the floor and let people dance, but the logistics didn't favor that since we were already packed in like sardines. Oh, The Gadianton Robbers was the name for the band they came up with on the spot.

*I didn't bring food* I guess being down in nursery meant that I completely missed the sign-up sheet this time around. I always sign up if I see it, but tonight I really had dinner for free. That is okay by me (don't worry, I will be signing up for the next one).

*Four kids* Three of which are very mobile. I have started to make peace with the fact that I don't know where my kids are 75% of the time.

As these ward socials go, this one was pretty good. You can tell that many people worked hard to get it all put together. Good job guys! Here are some pictures of the girls with Santa.


  1. I wish we could have gone, Steve had his work party tonight so we went to that instead. Good to hear it all went well.

  2. Oh, those are darling pictures of the girls with Santa Claus!!

  3. Wait a minute! Did Buhler spend his day off as Santa Claus!

  4. Uoi know, I tink Im a bit too big to sit on Santas lap anymore.

  5. Close Stacy, but it was Bro. Mendenhall. Although I always tell Buhler that he has to be Santa when he is older. He would be perfect.

  6. That is a cute pic of Ivory looking like she's deep in thought about what to tell Santa she wants for Christmas! I completely hear you on not knowing where your kids are 75% of the time...I feel like all I do when we go to ward functions is chase the boys around, but maybe someday I'll get to the point of not caring. But if it means having 4 kids to get there, we might be a while.
