Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Tugging at Heartstrings

Well, it was a typical day at my house. Ivory was supposed to be napping but somewhere during that time, I heard her start crying. It was a stronger cry than usual, so I investigated with alacrity. Sure enough, she had hit the edge of her eye on something (I never did figure out what). I held her close and rocked her while she wailed. Unfortunately, I looked down while cuddling and noticed one of my books she had gotten off the shelf. There seemed to be a page ripped out with additional shredding afterwards. I admit that my sympathy quickly dissolved and instead I was piqued. This isn't the first book she has destroyed because she was bored in her room. I already knew that the regular stern rebuffing, etc. had done little to stop the problem, so I tried a new tactic to illicit results.
I looked down and got a little teary eyed and said, "Why did you tear up my book, Ivory? This is mommy's book that she really likes. Why would you rip out a page?" Well, I got more reaction than I bargained for, but not from the desired party. Ivory was giving me the big cow eyes of regret (which was expected) but June burst into tears.
"Mommy's sad!" she wailed. She hugged me around the waist and I could feel tears dripping onto my bare feet. Wow, I didn't know she cared...
...and this continued in much the same manner for the next half an hour. She sobbed and kept saying, "Mommy's book, mommy's book." I had time to find all the pieces, sort them out, tape them back in, try multiple times to tickle her back into joviality, but all to no avail. She was heartbroken. "June, what can I do to cheer you up. The book will be fine. Is there anything I can get you?"
Eventually in a quavering voice, she said, "Toast....cinnamon."
Well, that was easy enough, and it did seem to do the trick. But golly, I don't think I plan to cry around June ever again if I can avoid it. She was really affected. It was sweet to think that she genuinely cares about me.


  1. Sadly, I think she'll be using those sweet alligator tears to get much more in the future. Mark my words.

  2. Dang those kids and their sensitive feelings! So cute she was looking out for you!

  3. That is just too sweet. Maybe your tears, combined with June's sadness will help Ivory remember to not tear up books. June is so cute!

  4. Hmm - I don't remember either you or Miranda being that sad when I was upset. Maybe I didn't cry hard enough . . .
