Tuesday, January 20, 2009

300 Posts!

This was a triumph.
I'm making a note here: HUGE SUCCESS.
It's hard to overstate my satisfaction.
But who cares...

...I'm really here to tell you about something more important. It's Tyler's birthday today. Thirty-one years ago he came into the world. I wasn't there to see it, but I hear it was pretty cool. And from there, he just proceeded to get more amazing each day. By now, he is fairly stellar. Just imagine how incredible he will be in another 31 years. Boggles the mind, I know!

I can't speak for him, but I think he had a good birthday. I woke him up to breakfast in bed, and some presents. He didn't want a cake, so we all went out for ice cream in the evening. Where, you might ask? Thirty-one Flavors, of course (That was a joke. Ha Ha...). Oh, and Obama was inaugurated. Who could ask for more?

Here are some pictures. We looked around the whole building to find the '31' logo and the only one we could find was in the corner.

We thought it odd, until we realized that the new logo has the '31' incorporated into it. Can you see it?

Tyler is truly my best friend and a wonderful husband and father. He deserves the best. Here is some gratitude from me:

  1. Thank you for always being my knight in shining armor (like rescuing me when my car wouldn't start this week).
  2. Thank you for being older than me.
  3. Thank you for getting up with the kids in the morning (even when you don't want to).
  4. Thank you for being so handsome and looking good in everything and nothing ;)
  5. Thank you for watching movies with me.
  6. Thank you for letting me be the boss most of the time.
  7. Thank you for loving the dog (someone has to...okay, I love her a little too).
  8. Thank you for fixing all my problems (like the brakes—too bad the car has had so much trouble lately).
  9. Thank you for being a righteous example for our children.
  10. Thank you for reminding me of what is most important. (We do what we must because we can.)
I love you more today than I did yesterday, but not as much as I will tomorrow. Happy Birthday!

ps And believe me I am still alive.

If you don't understand everything in red, you also have no idea what Portal is. I have never played Portal, but I like this tune.


  1. Happy Birthday Tyler! Today was my sisters birthday also. I didn't realize until I heard it yesterday that the new president always becomes so at noon on the 20th (whether or not they're actually sworn in on the 20th or not) - thought this was an interesting little fact - so it's always on my sis and Tylers birthday. Funny that you guys didn't see the 31 in the new logo until just now! Hope he had a great birthday!

  2. Happy Birthday Tyler! It was so fun hanging with you guys the other night. Maleen...if you made that cake I think I'm going to start hanging at your house more...or at least have you make me a cake sometime! It looks so fabulous and very, very delicious! Looks like you guys had a great time for Tylers birthday with the Baskin Robin signs! =D

  3. How fun that you guys have your birthdays so close! Happy Birthday to the Stallion...enjoy another year!

  4. Happy Birthday! I'm still older than you.

  5. Happy Birthday, Tyler! Sorry, that I am no good at keeping track, But it doesn't mean that I don't love ya.

  6. Happy Birthday Tyler!! I hope it was a great one!!
