Thursday, February 5, 2009

Landscape Photos

I have been working hard in my photo class. Our first assignment was landscape. I don't know if I have the skill for landscape, but here are a couple that I don't hate. These were taken down at Utah Lake.

This is the one I am turning in for a grade. I really like the sun peeking through the branches.

And then of course, I printed a couple of my favorite subject. I probably want to redo the first one a little lighter.

It was fun to develop the one of Daisy, because everyone was doing trees and landscapes today, so there was this random picture of a baby mixed in and everyone was oooohhing over it. Okay, I can be a little proud of my cute baby right??

Our next assignment is portrait. Excellent. An excuse to take another whole roll of my kids.


  1. My favorite is the first one. Something about it just captures me.

    They all look great though...Good job! And, your baby is adorable, of course!

  2. Guess who is going to be designated as the official photographer for our family reunion! Get a lot of practice in on portraits so we can get a huge group together - well, as huge a group as we can muster! Nice work, by the way. I think you're doing very well.

  3. Those landscape pictures are great, I think. I too like the first one the best, but all 3 are good!

  4. Those are some good looking pictures! Well done!

  5. Maleen, you are doing so well!!! I bet you are having fun! I love to take pictures. Keep up the good work!

  6. Wow, I didn't know you were doing a photo class. I thought your pictures were awesome. You have a talent.
