Monday, February 23, 2009

Three is the Magic Number

Well, my eye is still red, but I couldn't put off this post any longer since the birthday has come and gone (although Ivory is convinced it is her birthday still).

Friday was a day of festivities. Grandma came down to celebrate.

The girls love Grandma (in fact I am pretty sure that June said she was sick just so she could stay home and see Grandma arrive). Grandma came early and took Ivory off into a whirlwind of shopping. She tends to spoil the girls rotten but they both enjoy it (the girls and Grandma). I hate to say it, but they may have inherited my shopping gene (every single one of them—okay, it is hard to tell whether Daisy has it, but judging by her skills right now, she would be a better kleptomaniac...that girl grabs anything within reach).

I forced everyone to reconvene at 2:30 so we could go to the Draper temple.

It was such a great experience. Granted the girls were probably most excited by the bus ride to and from the temple, but I think they got some sense of the sacredness of the Lord's house. I had never been to a temple open house before, but I thought it was very well organized (right down to the reception area at the end with refreshments (oh, I take that back...the girls' favorite part was probably the cookies). It is a very beautiful temple, and I plan on going back with Tyler when it is open. I have to admit that without the temple, I wouldn't get to be with this family for eternity and that would be a shame; I am a bit attached.

After we got back home there was a flurry of gift opening, and celebrating. I would say there was cake eating, but the girls were not so hot on the angel food strawberry shortcake. I thought Ivory would love it (since her party theme was Strawberry Shortcake) but she wouldn't even try a bite without a little coaxing.

Oh well, I thought it was pretty good, although anything that calls for a cup and a half of egg whites is not worth making (that leaves about eleven lonely egg yolks).

Happy Birthday Ivory. Here is a note for you:


I love the stuffing out of you. You have so much attitude and personality, it is almost overwhelming. You give the best hugs and your giggle is contagious. You are so serious about your likes and dislikes and you understand so much of what is going on around you.

You are a such a cheeser! It is hard to be your mom come with so much drama, but I have to remember that it only takes a second to turn your frown into a smile if I handle it the right way.

You honestly feel bad when you have done something to disappoint me. You are vivacious and exuberant. I love, love, LOVE you! Kisses my cutie (although you would probably be a stinker and turn your head away).




  1. OH my goodness - we forgot to call and wish Ivory a happy birthday! I was having such a horrendous week at work, and it totally slipped my mind. I do hope you gave her something from us (saved over from the Christmas box). She is a little charmer, and I'm glad at least one of her grandma's was able to make her day more special. Her Washington relatives love her too!

  2. She is such a cute girl, it seems weird that I still think of her as a baby and she is a little girl now! Her hair is so long now. And the pictures look great!

  3. She is such a cute little three year old! It looks like a great day! We're going to the Draper temple open house next week--I'm excited.

  4. Happy Birthday, Ivory!!! I have to agree with your mom, You are the most adorable little girl ever!!! (You, and your sisters, of course) Love you sweet girl... Love, all of the K Caziers!

  5. Happy Birthday! She is such a cutie.

  6. Happy Birthday IVES!!! You are so cute and adorable!!!
