Monday, March 30, 2009

Easter Basket Tutorial

I hope this will make sense to all of you. These really are very easy to make.

You need:

3 pieces of 12x12 paper (1 cardstock, the other two of any type; even scraps will do).
Adhesive of some sort
Paper cutter and scorer
Hole Punch

You will notice my paper is missing an edge. Just ignore was the only 12x12 piece of cardstock I could find in my house. (Tyler pointed out that it looks like Utah)

The scoring is not absolutely necessary, but it will make the job a LOT easier. You take your 12x12 piece of paper and score it in thirds (four inch sections) on both sides, creating a grid of nine squares.

Then you fold on the lines. If you score, be careful not to tear through the paper.

Next (this is the hardest step) you want to fold in the corners.

I like to line up the edges and then squeeze the middle like so.

It doesn't really matter how you fold them; just try not to fold the middle square since that is the base of your basket.

When you finish folding the corners in they should all meet in the middle and form the basket shape. You get the idea here even with the one corner missing.

Next, cut out 18 squares that are 3 3/4 inch x 3 3/4 inch. They should fit in each four inch square with a little left over on the edges. For our other baskets we bought two pieces of paper and alternated where we put them, but for this basket we just used scraps and so we have a multitude of colors. It really doesn't matter what you use.

Glue your cut out squares inside the cardstock squares.

On the corners, just cut your squares in half, like so.

Pretty easy huh?

You could leave your inside all one color, but the original design calls for you to put squares on the inside as well. So go ahead and do that.

Now, punch a hole in each corner,

bring them to the middle and thread some ribbon through.

You can put some of that fake grass in as well, if you like.

These are great for Easter, but as Keri pointed out, just change the paper and they could be used for any holiday.

I realize that was a lot of pictures. I hope I didn't insult anyone's intelligence; I just wanted to make it as clear as possible. Have fun!


  1. Sometimes I think you have entirely too much free time on your hands! Where DO you find the time to make cute little baskets like that while trying to cope with four kids? Well - considering the amount of time I waste on the computer, I guess I shouldn't be surprised that I don't accomplish more. Those baskets are WAY cute.

  2. I am glad you did this, and I appreciate all of the pictures! So, you made quite a few, what are you going to do with them?

  3. Two are for the girls and I think they are giving them to friends and teachers.
    And then I have three for the sisters I visit teach.
    June wants to keep one, so we will probably keep the one we made for the tutorial.
    That should just about cover it.

  4. step by tiny step is the best! yeah. thank you. and you have a crop a dile - or whatever it is called! how fun!!

  5. Love the basket, and your cute little assistant! :)
