Wednesday, April 29, 2009

What Do You Know...Tulips!

Some of you may recall that our experience last year with the Tulip Festival was a far cry from exquisite.

Well, this year, we got it right. I heard from some other people that the bloom rate was 85% and I knew it was time to visit. I wanted to take Tyler on a date, but I figured that telling him I wanted to see pretty flowers for $1o a pop wouldn't be too enticing for him. So I played to his manly side. We went to see the garden on Segways. That's right! Check us out.

Granted this makes the price even steeper (a segway rents for $20 an hour per person), but it was so much fun. They are surprisingly easy to use once you get the hang of it. They rely on balance; using your feet to move forward and stop. We have been playing a lot on the Wii, so we were pros within minutes. They go pretty fast too. We rode and took pictures,

and rode and took pictures,

and get the picture.

The weather was perfect and I enjoyed the company even more. It was great to feel young and in love. That is what spring time is for, right?

Back at home, our children (who sadly missed the flowers in person, but enjoyed them on the computer) were being pampered by our neighbors. The Humphries were amazing; not only did they feed our kids and take care of my fussy baby, but they brought over dessert later on in the evening. I thought people like that only exist in fairy tales. Shari and Troy, if I could, I would have picked a bunch of these and brought them home to you.

But then I don't think the gardens would invite us back.


  1. The flowers look beautiful! And what a fun way to see them. I think it would be worth the extra cost!

    Thanks for your sweet comment on my blog. I appreciate the thoughts and prayers right now. Heaven knows we can all use them! We're just trying to be strong. It's hard, but we'll keep trying.

  2. I'm glad you got to see it in full bloom. I had a great time when I went in 2007--so pretty. And without kids--everything is so enjoyable!

  3. What a fun date! We are getting stuck in the dinner and a movie syndrome around here, and we need to get a little more adventurous! It looks like you had an amazing time (hooray for flowers in bloom. If the same person was in charge this year, they definitely redeemed themselves).

  4. What beautiful flowers....and a fun way to see them! I'll have to let my mom know that the Gardens are better this year so she can enjoy it too - although I don't think she'll enjoy them from a Segway!

  5. Sorry to post another comment. This is just the best way to communicate with people. I forgot to tell you that we are having a fast on Sunday for my dad. I know my parents and I would appreciate it if you and Tyler wanted to participate. We could use all of the spiritual help and blessings we can get.

  6. Wow! Those flowers are amazing! We were just a little early last year weren't we? Oh well! Glad you had such a nice time! Miss you all!

  7. It is one of my life dreams to ride a Segway. I'm so jealous you got to!
