Monday, June 15, 2009

Book Worms

Today was library day. We got our load of books as usual. The girls each get to choose two, the older girls each choose three books at their reading level, I get to choose a few and then one person chooses something out of non-fiction (you know, to broaden our horizons). We leave with about twenty books each week.

I love it. There is something magical about sitting down with the kids and reading new stories together (well, old stories too).

Then coming home in the car, I thought I would burst with motherly love. There were my children sitting quietly looking through their books. Every so often they would stop and exchange with their neighbor.

Then the random comment would come out such as "Mom, this Nutcracker is just like ours becept ours is Barbie." I keep forgetting to document that Robyn says BEcept instead of EXcept. It is so darling. I don't correct her because soon enough she will learn to say it right and I will miss hearing BEcept.

*Contented Sigh*


  1. Aw, that's sweet! I loved library day as a kid.

  2. I love the library, although the library here is so stinkin small. Seriously, the whole library could fit in the childrens section at the Orem library. I need to go more though anyway :)

  3. Possibly my favorite thing about library day is the very quiet car ride home!

  4. I love those simple "contented sigh" moments. We love the library, too.

  5. Your girls are soooo sweet. It is not often that I enjoy quiet time in a car. We love library time as well. Aren't we lucky to have so many books to learn from!

  6. I don't take the boys very often right now...I just feel like I'd probably be chasing them the whole time. We go for pajama storytime once a month and that is fun. There is something very fun about reading new books...I had a great time seeing all kinds of new books at Barnes & Noble a week ago, but I don't dare take the boys by myself there either - they just spent their time making a huge mess of books and stuffed animals! Yay for quiet time in the car!
