Thursday, July 16, 2009

A Daisy by Any Other Name Would Be as Sweet

She hath reacheth a year of living. We doth celebrate in the fashion of our fathers before. We lighteth the candle.

She eateth the cake,

heartedly after first appraisal.

We giveth the gifts.

She doth quickly take to the skill of her father.

We maketh merry after our fashion.

And thus, another birthday hath been counted on our road to grace.


  1. Very cute! :) She is getting bigger... Happy B-day to Daisy!

  2. Happy birthday, Daisy!!! We love you!!! It will be fun to see you next week!

  3. Happy birthday Daisy. She is such a cutie!

  4. It looks like she had a fabulous day. Happy Birthday, Daisy!

  5. She is just so darling--I love your pictures of her. Happy birthday, sweet pea! I remember when you were born because I was jealous of your mama (because I was very prego-sick).

  6. HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAISY!! What a sweet little girl! Hopefully some day we will get to meet her! Maybe she and Olivia will be roommies at BYU someday! haha Wouldn't that be wild! Miss you all tons!

  7. Aw, happy birthday to the Big D!

  8. Oh, I can not believe that she is one!!! WOW!! Time sure has flown by!!! Happy Birthday Daisy!!
