Sunday, August 2, 2009

Bear Feet

Six (almost seven) years ago, Aunt Kathryn bought a bear and brought it to the hospital when we were having our first little girl. I even remember it sitting next to the sink by some flowers in the mother/baby room. Little did I know what a role this bear was to play in our lives.

Today was his birthday; he turned three, in stuffed animal years. June got him a present and helped him open it.

She made him a cake (with some help)

and helped him blow out the candles.

Her love for this bear has only grown in the last three (almost seven) years.

Foot, we loved you when your fur was still fluffy and you still had a bow, but now you mean so much more.

And you look pretty hip in your new kicks.


  1. good ol foot- always liked him- does june sleep with him at night.

  2. I am so happy that that cute little bear has had so much love over the years!!!
