Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Don't Judge Me, I Judge Myself

I found out today that I must be super honest at heart, because I am overloaded with guilt that I walked out of the store without paying for something today. Granted, I did it on purpose...but let me explain.

See, I bought this little tiger costume for Daisy because I was realizing that I didn't have anything for her and that I actually didn't care (this is what happens to fourth children, she better get used to it). So when I saw some cute get-ups at Wal-mart for a mere $8, I caved and bought one that would barely fit Daisy now (being a little snug) but would probably fit baby number 5 next Halloween (being a bit loose). Then I could side-step the didn't-bother-with-child-who-can't-talk-therefore-can't-bug-me-about-costumes guilt. I got home and tried it on her to make sure it wasn't too snug and that is when I noticed a little velcro patch on the bum. Oh, it was supposed to have a tail. But I didn't get one. I reasoned that this wasn't so bad because we were probably going to stick her in the stroller anyway, and if I really wanted to, I could just find something that worked as a tail...etc.

Enter today when Robyn came home and told me she needed to provide a snack starting with the letter 'D' tomorrow. Fine, but if you only give me one day to provide snacks, then I am going to ignore that letter you sent home about healthy food and instead provide Ding Dongs (because that's two D's, so neener). Since I was headed back to Wal-mart, I decided that I would just go back and look at the costumes and see if there was a tail. Well...there was, and you have probably figured out that I took it; shamelessly. The guilt would have come either way, but it was so much more fun to bring the children and field awkward questions as well.

Robyn: Are you taking that tail off that last tiger costume?

Mom: Yes, yes I am. But see, we didn't get one...(thinking of how to change the subject quickly).


Robyn: Where is the tiger tail?

Mom: I put it in my bag.

Ivory: Why?

Mom: So, I won't lose it. (Then, since I don't want to seem like it was a bad thing to take it) Do you want to hold it?

(Later, when tail is back in bag and we are at the checkstand)

Ivory: Did you pay for the tail? (She may have noticed that it didn't reach the conveyor belt)

Mom: Yes, yes I did.

And come on...I DID pay for a tail, the first time around. You must admit that if it were you shopping and you had noticed that a tail were missing that you would have grabbed one from another costume. I would have done this as well...had I noticed. It was just so much more awkward coming back to get it.

Upon returning home, I immediately called Tyler hoping he would ease my conscience. Not much help there. He must feel that I don't get teased enough (he is probably right), so he fills right in and he doesn't plan on letting me live down my first shoplifting experience. In fact he did a great job of rubbing it in the first chance he got.

Maleen: Oh, I grabbed some apples while I was at the store, because I wanted to make Apple Pie. You don't like raisins in it, do you?

Tyler: Now, when you say grabbed, you did PAY for them, right?

Maleen: *click* Oops, did I hang up on him?

So there you have it. I am stewing in my own indecision. I really think it was okay. It was okay, right? Yes, I don't need you to tell me, because I KNOW it was okay. I paid for a tail after all. So, I deserve a tail.

Okay, whatever, at least the pie was good, and I even let Tyler have some.

You can get the recipe somewhere in this post. Thanks Melanie, I really needed that. Nothing like caramel and apple to ease the guilt (what guilt?)


  1. I'm laughing so hard...

    By the way bitter sweet to be released....we really did love those kids, I am going to miss being a part of nursery. do you know who has been called? i just wanted to offer to help with the transition...Jonny is off to the Primary already, but I would be happy to be there to help. Let me know what you think.

  2. No guilt needed. If it had been me, my issue would be worrying that some alarm was going to go off somewhere as I tried to leave the store with the tiger tail. But, I've always been afraid to get in trouble.....

    Glad you liked the pie!

  3. Dang kids getting in the way of us rationalizing things!!! Heehee. Just kidding. I think you were totally fine to take the tail. So funny! I really needed this post tonight. :)

  4. I may or may not have had my first intentional/honest shoplifting experience last year while trying to exchange formula for the right kind that wouldn't send my daughter into fits of indigestion...I pulled the ole switcheroo on the counter with the formula canisters after they told me that they don't really do that. oops, did I grab the wrong one?
    Did I feel guilty? Yes.
    Your story is funny. Just remember something that Pres Monson said years ago...."A sensitive conscience is the sign of a healthy soul."
    You did indeed deserve the tiger tail. I validate.

  5. You deserve the tail. Next time to relieve the guilt just tell someone at the store... you were right and they would have given permission for you to take it... and no guilt when you have their ok.

  6. PS And I think it is really funny that you distracted your daughter by letting her hold it. Very funny.

  7. Toooo FUNNY! Don't stress, the tail is yours! Hope all is well.

  8. So funny! I'm sure if you talked to a manager you would receive the green light to rid yourself of guilt. Your story adds up. What would you want with a lone tail if you didn't have the costume to go with it, right? I'm still giggling (When you say you grabbed some apples...) I can't wait to see Daisy in all her tiger glory (tail and all).

  9. I remember feeling guilty about going back into the store to grab envelopes for the cards I had just purchased. As I walked through the exit I had to convince myself that there is no way they'd put sensors on them and I tried not to look directly into the security camera. Guilt sure is a powerful emotion.

  10. Flip a quarter . . . if it's heads, you're fine, if it's tails . . . Get it? "Tails!" *Laughing* Ha ha, just kidding. I couldn't resist. I think you're totally fine. You paid for a tail and you took a tail home; it just wasn't in the same trip (but it was on the same day).

  11. I am finally all caught up. The tail - you're fine. The pie - um, yummilicious!!

    How's this pregnancy going? I think it is soooo cool that your whole ward is going to do the Martin Handcart trek. That is just amazing!
