Friday, October 2, 2009

Let's Talk

I was looking at my archives and noticed that I only posted 9 times in September. This is quite uncharacteristic for me. I was trying to figure out why and I came up with some possibilities:

1. Life is boring now
2. I have stopped being able to write humorously about every day experiences.
3. The baby is slowly leeching my will to live (Alissa, that is about the perfect way to say it).

I'm pretty sure that it is number three, but I often suspect number two. Truthfully, I am just tired. There are only so many hours in a day and not many are dedicated to me anymore. I used to blog during Daisy's nap time. She stills naps (albeit once a day now), but I can't seem to get anything done when she is awake, so I take that hour and a half very seriously. Most days I fill it with any activity that might be impossible with a baby clinging to my skirts (you realize skirt is a euphemism—like I actually wear skirts—most days I stick with pajamas).

My other blogging time was at night. Now, after brushing teeth, helping with homework, reading stories, and the like, I look from the computer to my bed and most nights the bed wins out. Okay, maybe my life is more boring.

Regardless, I feel this need to justify myself; like when you gain a few pounds and can't fit into your skinny jeans anymore (which trust me, I'm not fitting into many jeans these days). I want you all to know that I wish I were blogging more, I want to start blogging more...but if I don't, it's simply because there is a time for everything and this is my season to be overwhelmed by life for a moment. Life is good, kids are good, memories are good, balance is good, blogging is good.

I guess the good news is that no matter what I end up focusing on, it will probably be good.

p.s. Thanks for the chat, I needed that.


  1. Don't worry about it! Put on your sweats, curl up on the couch and grow a cute baby!!...or maybe you could get a laptop and carry it around with you.

  2. So, are you saying that it's a girl? I love reading your blogs but I completely understand. I hope that you are feeling better and can find the balance you so desire.

  3. Man I know what you mean....somehow the will to blog gets gobbled up by the little one growing inside. Maybe it will come back with our super powers?? :)

  4. yeah, i hear ya. being 7 months pregnant, not much gets done--no energy. most of the time i ignore my list and go to sleep. when do you find out boy or girl?

  5. Isn't so weird to think you're growing a person in you? Clearly, you've done this many times, but boy, that trips me out.

  6. Oh how I've missed reading your blogs but I haven't blogged once since my trip to HI and i'm probalby going back over Thanksgiving. Don't feel guilty for goodness sakes. Life is about balance and you are about to have 5 daughtes soon.
