Friday, November 20, 2009

Between Edward and Jacob...

...I choose Tyler.

My mother-in-law invited me up to Idaho today to watch New Moon on its opening day. I wanted to see the movie and would eventually, so it sounded like a lot of fun to watch it with my family up in Idaho. Tyler got the day off from work so that I could travel up there. Ivory was going to come with me and hang out with Grandma for a few days until Thanksgiving, but she was a tad bit sick, so it didn't seem like the best idea to take her up there. Since Ivory couldn't go, Tyler started thinking of all these reasons I shouldn't go. He wanted me to see family, he wanted me to see the movie, but in the long run, he just didn't want to be without me. Since I am the one with all the kids most of the time, I understand. Everything is so much easier as a team.

I still wanted to see family, I still wanted to see the movie, but in the end, I thought Tyler was more important and so I stayed. And I am glad I stayed. Because I was going to be gone, everything I got to do with my family seemed sweeter, more special. This morning, Tyler and I took the younger two girls shopping for candles and then out for snacks (i.e. cinnamon rolls and raspberry muffin tops at Kneader's). It was an ordinary activity turned extraordinary because I realized that every moment I have with them is a gift (even if I don't always appreciate them).

So Edward and Jacob, you will just have to wait. There is one man more important than both of you.


  1. That's right. Eat your heart out, Edward. Raging Stallion is in the house! Ta, ta, Jacob: turns out I beat ya out.

    Oh, victory is sweet.

    (Please don't kill me, either one of ya.)

  2. We missed you sooooo much!!! The movie was awesome!!! But I am with you... If I had the choice I would pick my KOLBY!!! I am glad that you had a good time with your family and I will look forward to seeing you next week. :)

  3. you're right, Tyler is more important. good choice. Sidenote: in the movie when Edward takes his shirt off, he does Not look like that poster.
