Thursday, November 12, 2009

I Hate it When People Say Catsup

I guess I will do a little Ketchup tonight. When it is my week to do pre-school, I get completely absorbed by lesson plans and preparing, that it pretty much eclipses everything else. Evidence of this was the pile of laundry that greeted me today once pre-school was finished. I am six (6!) loads in and not quite done.

Even better is the fact that I don't teach again until February. We had a good time this week, but there is a reason I didn't major in early childhood education. I feel comfortable around my own kids because I am in charge, I have stewardship, I can give them what-for when they turn a deaf ear to my wisdom and counsel. Not so much with a large group of three-year olds. I sit there and pretend that I am in charge and hope they can't tell I am bluffing. Anyway, burdens of all sorts have been lifted this afternoon, so let's fill you in on some other occurrences.

First, I think Robyn may have an admirer. There's this boy who was always yelling at her when she got off the bus. She would sprint for the door and he would follow a few feet hurling noise after her. I asked her about it a couple times, but she didn't seemed phased in the least. "That's just Diego," she would calmly reply. It seemed it was just some game they played.

Well, I haven't seen him yelling for a while, but I have seen him at my front door the last couple days. He knocks, hands me a stack of cookies and says, "these are for Robyn," and then makes his retreat. Either he has graduated from the 'insult and chase' stage to the 'give gifts' stage of courtship, or Robyn has whipped him into shape and is now extorting payment in return for not harming him. I'm guessing the former simply since she is a cutie, but I wouldn't be surprised if secretly she was the crime boss of the neighborhood.

In other news, Daisy continues to be a hellion. I love her, little duck, but she is chaos on wheels with a bad case of Daylight Saving crankies. She was up before six this morning and refused to take a second nap this afternoon. New tricks she has learned are flushing the toilet (multiple times in a row), and drawing on the walls with whatever writing utensil is most easily accessible. Usually this is pencil since she prefers to suck on the markers rather than draw with them.

She is also quite endearing with her other antics. She now folds arms for prayers and giggles uncontrollably when June plays with her. She opens the box of wipes, pulls one out, then lies down and wipes her tummy (really funny). She plays peek-a-boo, and loves to make people gasp; if she thinks you are shocked by what she is doing, she is bound to keep it up. The other day in the tub, she started splashing and I played along, gasping and wincing every time she splashed. Naturally she splashed all the more, only proceeding in soaking herself thoroughly, but it was worth it to watch.


  1. i am sure he will not be the last admirer (is that even a word?!) when you have cuties on your hands like you do.

    and for the princess show -- i would never have gone without the free tickets...even buying 2 would have been too, i understand. if i hear of free tickets again...i'll let you know!

  2. I agree that the number of boys courting your cute little girls is bound only to increase, especially as they get older and even cuter (if that's possible!)

    And I have to say I love the picture of Daisy in the bathtub. How cute is she?! And those cute little teeth! :) And I'm glad for your sake that there is at least a little good and fun to go along with the cranky! :)

  3. That is a beautiful picture of your little girl. What pure joy you caught in that moment!

  4. I LOVE that picture of Daisy! Too fun, too cute.

  5. That is a really cute picture. Those little teeth are just darling. My little Lauren is getting like five teeth all at once and she does this face a lot too--the scrunched-up happy nose with these little teeth peeking through.

  6. You are too busy! Just reading about all your stuff makes me worn out.

  7. So cute... I miss having little ones around!!!
