Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Katniss Everdeen

So when you're in quarantine, it turns out there's not much to do—go figure. Maleen's been hounding me for months to read "The Hunger Games, so after about twenty-some-odd hours of wandering around my room, I determined maybe it was time to listen to her. I picked up the first book of what I later learned is supposed to be a trilogy.

Now "supposed to be" and "are" are two VERY different things. Usually this isn't such a problem, but when you burn up the first book in a series in one day, the math is pretty easy. On the first day, finish the first book. On the second day finish the second book. On the third day finish the third book. Since I've got seven days total, and I didn't start until the second day that gives me something to do through the fifth of seven days. That all seemed pretty good to me.

Until I found out the trilogy isn't finished yet.

Come on people. She's not going to have it done until 2010. I'm only in quarantine until next week. News flash: next week is STILL 2009! This schedule will not do AT ALL.

So I've had to pace myself through the second one. I only allow myself one chapter every time I pick it up, and I allow that no more than once per hour. Even so, Catching Fire will only hold me until Black Friday. And THEN what am I supposed to do? Wait until 2010 like all the other Hunger Games addicts out there? I guess so. Maybe I'll start reading *gasp* Twilight instead. At least I know the whole story gets told in books I can get my hands on before 2010.

How do you people stand it? I hate not being able to finish the story! It's like driving two thirds of the way to Miami. Sure, you've seen some nice sites, but you're still NOT THERE YET.

Speaking of Miami, anybody seen Burn Notice (the series) on USA? Love it. I face the same problem as The Hunger Games though. I discovered the series last month at my parent's place. I borrowed season one from a friend, and burned that up in like two weeks (no pun intended). I'm about halfway through the second season and I feel guilty because now I know they're only halfway through the third season on live tv. Math's a little harder on this one, but I'm looking at disappointment sometime around January—no more Burn Notice for me. :(

Maybe by then the third book of the Hunger Games will be out.

btw, if you have no idea who Katniss Everdeen is, she's the star of the Hunger Games Trilogy. Here she is with co-star Peeta Mellark:


  1. Tyler, it sounds like you are going crazy... your poor wife! :)

  2. Holy banana, being in quarantine would be awesome! But that's only because I have so much to read...and watch. How you loving the second season of Burn Notice?

  3. I can't wait for the third one to come out!

  4. Um, I LOVE burn notice!!!!!! And hulu where you can watch the entire season in one day. :) There's no more missing an episode - ever!
