Friday, December 11, 2009

Imagine the damage she could do with coal though.

Today was one of those days that you wish you had a rewind button. Maybe a delete button would work as well. I was downstairs folding laundry and Daisy was upstairs being quiet. I was thankful that she had found something to do besides pull the folded laundry off the couch. That is...until I went upstairs and saw what she was doing.

She was surrounded by toothpaste; on her clothes, mouth, hands, and all over the carpet. I think she was dipping her finger in the tube and alternating between smearing it on the floor and eating it. I should have taken a picture, but it was one of those moments where immediate action was required. I went right to work stripping her down and then cleaning up after her. In case you were wondering, baking soda and vinegar do a great job taking toothpaste out of carpet. (With a little scrubbing, naturally.)

Several hours later I was on the phone with my sister-in-law telling her why I am worried about taking Daisy to Washington for Christmas. "She is just so busy. Speaking of which, I haven't heard her for a few minutes...I should go check on her." Spoken too late...

She had managed to pull out the chair at June's desk, climbed up and gotten into her paints. She was surrounded by paint; on her clothes, mouth, hands, and all over the desk. I should have taken a picture, but it was one of those moments where immediate action was required. I went right to work stripping her down and then cleaning up after her. In case you were wondering, you should only purchase paints that are water soluble. Period. Then it will come off things. (With a little scrubbing, naturally.)

I may need to talk to Santa because I'm pretty sure she is on the naughty list right now.


  1. What charming message

  2. Oh Maleen....look at it this way at least your arms should be super strong after all that scrubbing...right??? :) Love her!

  3. I have this great picture of Ellen right after she discovered her aunt's purse. Lipstick all over. Right before we were supposed to leave to meet Randy for lunch.

    Then there was the day that Will decided to help with laundry. He put this big bunch of powder in the washer, where his dad did not discover it in time, and ran the washing machine. Turns out the powder was chocolate drink mix that his grandma had in her suitcase.

  4. Somehow my 1 yr old son managed to do something similar with red oil paint even with mom and 2 grandmothers in the house. Why we even had that paint out and accessible is beyond me. Thanks for the water-soluable reminder.

  5. If its any consolation to you, there will be many more pairs of eyes to watch out for Daisy in Washington. Nobody is going to work or school. On the other hand, it's a very big house . . .
