Friday, January 15, 2010

31 Flavors

Today I turned 31. I'm not feeling as young and spry as I would prefer, but I am sure most of that is pregnancy related. Tyler made me some cute pants that I can actually wear (that in itself is impressive). I think the logo sums me up pretty well; where it is located is merely his humor.

To show the real me, you need more of this angle.

Yeah, that is more accurate.

Life is good right now. I can't complain about my choices or where I am. I love being a mother, I love staying at home and raising my children. Thirty-one years have brought me many wonderful things. I haven't accomplished all my dreams, but I am well on my way.

We didn't do much for my birthday, but the older I get, the less I need. This year, we'll just slap a stamp on my rump and call it good.


  1. Never in a million years will you find a photo of my rear end on my blog (at least not on purpose) props to you for having a tooshie (is that how you spell that?) that can pull it off (and cute pants by the way!).
    Happy Happy Birthday! (Does my comment need one more set of parentheses? I thought it did.)

  2. Happy birthday! You look so darling pregnant! Seriously!

  3. Happy B-day Maleen! What a cute prego you are with your little belly! So So cute! Tyler chose a nice present!

  4. Happy Birthday! I didn't realize we were such twins. We have the same anniversary and my 31st b-day is tomorrow. You are ahead of me on the kids though, and on the number of years married.

    Hope you had a great one.

  5. You look great pregnant. My rear would not have fit on the blog at this point in either of my pregnancies! Happy Birthday!

  6. Happy Birthday Maleen! I hope it was a good one.

  7. Happy Birthday. Cute pants. I am not sure Brian could pull off finding a size that would fit me so good job Tyler. Hope you had a great day.

  8. Happy Birthday and you look like a happy pregnant person that will soon have five girls. Keep it up!

  9. Love love love the pants! Happy Birthday!

  10. Happy Birthday old girl! I swear, every year I realize, "Oh, yes, Maleen and I have birthdays right close together" (mine's tomorrow). I'll have to drop some hints around here for some sassy pants like yours! I swear you're about the cutest little pregnant lady around!

  11. if i had a cute backside like that - i would take a picture too! i can't believe you are pregnant and still look that great! that is wonderful!

    i hope you had the best birthday! elizabeth's is today - my little gal is 3!

    have a great week!

  12. Holy dude are you brave, having your rump out there! (In no way is this a dig at you, I'm just so self-concious of mine, I couldn't!) Happy birthday!
