Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Blogging Slump

I am fairly sure this has something to do with being very pregnant and not motivated to do much (although I did make bread today—kudos me!).

The other reason for decreased blogging could possibly be Super Mario for Wii which Tyler and I have been playing every night. He has much more thirst for the game than I do, so I play until my scheduled bed time and then he stays up earning extra lives (which I quickly use up, because let's face it—I stink at video games). He told me this morning that Mario can only have 99 lives (good to know).

I'm hoping that he won't be tired of the game by the time Pearl arrives, so he has something to do when I make him take the late shift.

And, although this is not related at all, I thought I would bring it up: I completely forgot about Groundhog's Day this year. It is not like it is a prominent holiday in my mind, but it usually crosses my thoughts at some point; not this year. But has he ever NOT seen his shadow? Aren't there always six more weeks of winter? At least in Utah, right? Does he not see his shadow in other states? Anyway, I'm not trying to bag on Phil, but I don't think I need his prediction to know that we will all be craving spring well before it gets here.


  1. For what it's worth, spring comes to Utah LONG before it makes it to New England. :)

  2. I could have done without the six more weeks of winter too. I'm all wintered out, need warmth.
    And I have a confession, I am a closet Mario fan as well...Tyler can find a friend in my husband and I who beat the game after only a week or so of having it. I should probably be more embarrassed by that.

  3. I completely forgot about Groundhogs day too! In fact I didn't even know that we had it until I read your blog. Crazy! Can't wait for the new little one to arrive. You guys make such beautiful kids!

  4. Can I just say I've been missing your posts? I totally understand though, it's hard to feel like doing much when you're getting ready for a big event like say, a baby? Good luck with everything!

  5. Holey Molie! 5 girls!! and i thought 3 was crazy.....well at least girls are soooooo sweet. My hubby LOVES having girls :)

  6. So funny that you guys have Super Mario for the Wii....we should have played that the night we were "camping"! We went to Cali. 2 weeks ago and our friends had just gotten it for Christmas. We had soooo much fun playing it (well, us wives did anyways - the guys finally left to get dessert for us)! Interestingly enough, us girls were much better at it than they were (they hadn't grown up with video game systems - I.F. boys). We need to get together again soon to play games (maybe Super Mario, hint hint). Isn't that one of the things on your "to do before baby is born" list of things to do - have the Simpsons over to play Mario? ha ha! (Although I can guarantee Tyler would beat us at the game - don't think I've ever gotten up to 99 lives!)

  7. After having Mark read this blog entry, he informed me that the Groundhog "Phil" has only proven to be accurate 39% of the time. Nothing a record to be betting on in Vegas, that's for sure! (Not that we ever bet in Vegas anyways!)
