Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Collagen Valentines

Last year I saw this valentine idea on my friend's blog. I instantly fell in love and vowed to do them this year. I still love the stuffing out of them and plan on doing them next year, but I couldn't help doing a twist on them when I saw these on OrientalTrading.com:

They kind of look like they could be Mick Jagger's daughters.

I think they are adorable. I still give all the credit to Alissa for coming up with such fun ideas, but I'll give myself some credit for creating the cute girls in the pictures.

Happy Valentine's Day (early) everyone. I am glad that I am finished making them. No late night on Thursday for me.


  1. hooray! they're totally cute!!!

  2. Dangit! I need all of you adorable holiday-celebrating-with-gusto people to post sooner so the lazy-not-so-good-at-some-holiday-celebrators can benefit from your adorable ideas. Our valentine's are totally lame this year.
    So, awesome.

  3. Mick Jagger? How about Angelina Jolie? Those have got to be some of the poufiest lips I've ever seen. Have you seen "The First Wives Club"? At the beginning Goldie Hawn has her lips enhanced with much the same look. What fun!

  4. Those are SO cute! What a fun idea. I love it and am totally going to steal it one day.

  5. Heh, those are awesome. Totally stealing the idea too. Someday. Maybe not this year. ;)

  6. Adorable valentines and even more adorable girls!
