Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day

Nothing says I love you like a whole bunch of sugar in the morning right before you leave for church.

But I couldn't resist those heart shaped doughnuts from Krispy Kreme. (And the pink strawberry milk to go with.)

p.s. I did purchase them yesterday as to avoid buying things on Sunday, and they stayed surprisingly fresh.

I love you family.

Dad: I love that you tease me. (I know I always give you a hard time, but I realize it is a form of love, so don't stop.)

June: I love that you are getting so big. It was cute watching you help Daisy take the Sacrament today.

Robyn: I love that you are so loving and thoughtful. I feel I can ask you for anything and you would do it for me.

Ivory: I love that you remember everything and yet could still (almost) keep the secret about the doughnuts.

Daisy: I love how helpful you are and how smart you are getting. You are super cute when you get me a towel after my shower.

Pearl: I love that we get to meet you soon. Still, wait a week so you miss Ivory's birthday, okay?


  1. Ooh, adorable and delish! I need a donut now.

  2. Aw, cute family. And yeah, those donuts look a lot better than the half banana I had before church. *Sigh*

  3. To the donuts I say "YUMMY"! To you I say "What a cute family"!

  4. Those do look like a sugar high just in time for someone else to teach your kids for a couple of hours. Good thinking!

  5. How sweet!!! We sure love your family!!!
