Monday, March 29, 2010

Birds Never Listen

Despite Ivory's kind admonishment, the bird came back.

Yep, First thing this morning, it was back in the vent. So, despite the fact that it can't get out by itself, that it was poked several times by a tape measure, and that it was herded into a plastic container by giant monsters, the vent seems to be premium real estate for this bird. Bird housing must be suffering too. Then again, I have never heard that birds were very bright.

This time when we unhooked the dryer hose, the bird wasn't too far up the tube. Close enough that Tyler decided to forgo the tape measure. This time, he caught the bird bare-handed. (Okay, glove-handed.)

We took pictures of our prize once again and then let it go.

We are on the catch and release program.

And then we installed this.

No more birds please.


  1. I've never heard about bird real estate... but on your example it kinda make sense... LOL

  2. If you want, I'll loan you the bb gun I got for Christmas. It's a red rider.

  3. Where did you get that grid thing? We have bird issues as well, and I would like to make sure that they don't come back. Seriously, they really are bird brains, considering that we have two cats around here!

  4. Birds freak me out! Way to get that one out!
