Tuesday, April 6, 2010

This Kid Means Business

Yes, I have a whole slew of Easter posts to do, but we haven't finished Easter yet. If you live in my near vicinity, you may have noticed the untimely weather. This led to one FREEZING city neighborhood egg hunt, and the lack of our family egg hunt. I have the eggs ready (minus the ones Daisy managed to get into when I wasn't looking) and I am going to hide them outdoors just as soon as there isn't snow, hail, frigid wind, or rain. Seriously Utah, have you noticed it is APRIL now!

We also have family in town for the annual crack-off and other adventures and that means that I spend time with them and neglect the blog. (Hence the lack of posts recently.)

So instead of all that (which will come later), I'm going to talk about baby poop. (Aren't you all excited?)

Every baby has blow-outs. But some have more than others. Pearl would fit into that some category. I think it is time to go up a size in diapers, because the ones she wears aren't holding much in anymore. It is almost daily when I unwrap her blanket to find that she has turned yellow. Not the jaundice yellow, but more of this type of yellow.

And that picture is mild. Sometimes she is yellow up to her armpits.

I get to deal with most of these, (and all the laundry besides) but Tyler has had his fair share. I laughed the other day after he had dealt with one of these incidents. I went upstairs to find that he had opened the new pack of diapers. And even though there are two different perforated lines to get into the package, I found they were opened like this.

But I am not judging the man in an emergency situation. And I have seen the damage Pearl can do to clothing, diapers, and anything within soaking range. Speed is key.

We still love her and I see this a lot around here.


  1. Those diapers are nice and cheap and all, but I have had that trouble with my kids too. It seems to be less bad if you use name-brand diapers for the first few months. Just wanted to tell you that it worked better for me.

  2. For real girl, that poop is serious! Sweet girls, poop or not.

  3. I'm reading a post about baby poop and that last picture is about to make my old ovaries BURST! Burst, I tell you! I must be a mother. I love those tiny little arms, legs, head of fuzz. She's beautiful.

  4. Addi has never had a "blow-out" diaper, although, we have always used huggies diapers (I don't know if that has made a difference or not). I agree though, poop or not she is beautiful! I hope one day I will be blessed to have another one!

  5. I remember the days... YUCK!!! But I still can't help but LOVE babies and yours are darling:)!!!

  6. Oh, I love the last picture. It is simply precious. You should get it framed.
