Sunday, May 9, 2010

I'm The Best...

...I even have the badge to prove it.

Today was an excellent Mother's Day. The kids woke me up to breakfast in bed, cards, presents, and these cute rocks.

Tyler helped the girls make them. (No slacking for him this year.) Tyler also bought me this cool bench (Please ignore the serious children sitting on it).

What makes the bench even cooler is that you can flip the backrest over and it becomes a table. (See Robyn doing a good impression of eating something at the table.)

He bought me two, so we can all sit out in the yard, or put them together and make an official picnic table. I am excited to let my kids eat outside often this summer.

Each of the girls made me feel special today. Tyler had to hand me a tissue once again as they sang in church. (Seriously, when did I get to be such a softy?) I have every reason in the world to feel blessed. Well, at least FIVE reasons...

p.s. My mom is pretty great too. I hope she had an excellent day despite my lack of gift giving. If only I had thought of the rocks first.


  1. Where did he get those awesome benches? I want one.

  2. Yeah, I'd like to know about the benches too. I'm really intrigued.

    And LOOK at that cute Pearl, all grinning. So so darling.

  3. We got the benches at Costco. They were $70 a piece (so $140 to make a whole table). But they were gone for a few weeks, so I don't know how often they have them in.

    I was telling Janelle that they are a bit pricey, but much cheaper than the freezer Tyler was thinking of buying me for Mother's Day.

  4. So cute! Those kids of yours are so great, and how cute all the things they did for you.
