Sunday, May 2, 2010

Supercross 2010 SLC.

"In Nascar, if somebody spits on the track, they call the race. That ain't Supercross." —Barry Cazier.

So back in February my Dad called me and asked if I was going to Supercross this year. I told him I would go if I could. He had tickets (of course), and invited me to come. I agreed, but I didn't know if I'd be able to bring Maleen or the girls. Turns out Maleen couldn't go, and neither could Pearl. June and Robyn were game, and they came along for the show.

By the end, they wondered aloud when it would be over and they could go home. You see, while Supercross is intensely entertaining and enjoyable, nobody calls the race unless there's a hurricane in town...and even then it's questionable. Salt Lake City Supercross 2010 was rain, sleet, and temperatures in the 40s: all in an outdoor stadium.

This is Josh Hansen, who won the Lites class in Salt Lake City, May 1st.

And this is Kevin Windham, who my Dad predicted would win in Salt Lake this year. He did.

And here are the girls, huddled in their hats beneath a poncho, under a Mickey Mouse blanket, with garbage bags for ponchos over their puffy outdoor coats with long sleeved shirts on over pants over tights. They were well bundled. The LCQ (That's race-speak for "Last Chance Qualifier") hot chocolate was the only thing keeping them alive. If you look closely, you'll see the yellow poncho of a saintly woman seated behind June. Throughout the night, she held her poncho over June's head to keep the rain off her. Thank goodness for good people. I offered her a smile every time I saw her doing it, but I never got her name.

The race was AWESOME, but I can only watch my little ones suffer for so long. There are two big races, but we only watched one as it was time to thaw my girls. So girls, when you read this, know that your father loved you more than Supercross. (And yes, this is a manifestation of my love for them—I missed the MAIN event!)

Anyway, Supercross built character this year.

If you care to know the results of the race, you can catch everything on RacerX.


  1. Robyn actually reminds me of Kaysen in that picture.

    They look drenched, and I love that the hot chocolate came in Snowie cups.

  2. Jeremiah is jealous! I told him about this post and asked if he knew he and Tyler had a common obsession, I mean interest and he said he didn't remember this interesting fact from our 147th Ward days. He also said, "Don't tell me who won, I haven't watched it on you tube yet!" I love that your girls are interested too! Emmeline has her own version of the word motorcycle and she follows it up with, "mmm, mmm!" (That's her special 18 month old motorcycle engine sound.) You gotta train them up early!
