Tuesday, May 11, 2010

This is the tooth, that fell out of the mouth, that got kicked by the foot, of the sister in the top bunk... in the house that Tyler bought.

Seriously, we have been pulling on that thing religiously every night for a week. (Here is one unsuccessful attempt.)

So I go to Zumba tonight and miss all the action when Ivory kicks it out. Figures.

Now there is just a hole.

And yes, for those very astute people, Ivory's hair is much shorter than it used to be, but that is another post. While we are talking about other posts, remind me to tell you about June's obsession with hand sanitizer.

Over and out.


  1. With five little ones, you are going to become VERY familiar with the tooth fairy! Actually, I was struck by how much Ivory looks like me (and my mother). Same impish grin. It is wonderful to have posterity.

  2. Oh the Leatherman works so well for pulling teeth. One of my kids likes to pull out his own teeth with it.
